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Creating an Item Box - Printable Version

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Creating an Item Box - TheNuttyScientist - 13.05.2010

I am planning on creating a /teleports command with the menu seen on single player. What I need to know is how to have the player teleporting upon selecting one of the teleport areas. Help?

Re: Creating an Item Box - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 13.05.2010

its TextDraws I think
anyways, you don't want ShowPlayerDialog??

Re: Creating an Item Box - TheNuttyScientist - 13.05.2010

ShowPlayerDialog? Well, if it will help me, yes I do. :P

Re: Creating an Item Box - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 13.05.2010

Originally Posted by BlackBlood1337
ShowPlayerDialog? Well, if it will help me, yes I do. :P
Okay, so we don't spam, add me in msn
and I'll teach you

Re: Creating an Item Box - ettans - 13.05.2010

Re: Creating an Item Box - TheNuttyScientist - 13.05.2010

What I need to know is where to put SetPlayerPos within creating the menu.

Re: Creating an Item Box - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 13.05.2010

Originally Posted by BlackBlood1337
What I need to know is where to put SetPlayerPos within creating the menu.
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 1 && response);

Re: Creating an Item Box - juice.j - 13.05.2010

As he already said he wants to use single player menus:

and regarding your specific question on how to use it:

Taken directly from the wiki example (modify as you wish):

public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row)
  new Menu:current;
  current = GetPlayerMenu(playerid);
  if(current == menu)
      case 0: SetPlayerPos(...);
      case 1: SetPlayerPos(...);
  return 1;