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[HELP] DisableInteriorEnterExits - Printable Version

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[HELP] DisableInteriorEnterExits - Fonsie - 13.05.2010

Is it possible to DisableInteriorEnterExits just for one player?

Re: [HELP] DisableInteriorEnterExits - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 13.05.2010

What do you mean by this??

Re: [HELP] DisableInteriorEnterExits - On_Top_Non_Stop - 13.05.2010

No, DisableInteriorEnterExits removes all enter/exits for every player.

You may find this usefull though.

Re: [HELP] DisableInteriorEnterExits - Fonsie - 13.05.2010

Originally Posted by OnTop2K9
No, DisableInteriorEnterExits removes all enter/exits for every player.

You may find this usefull though.
Is that only the menu or also the interior

Re: [HELP] DisableInteriorEnterExits - ~Dangun! - 13.05.2010

oh wait, delete post lol