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HELP WITH A SCRIPT - Printable Version

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HELP WITH A SCRIPT - Pawno_Scripter - 11.05.2010

When i ban a user on my server the ban file appears on the server directory but I dont want beacause i have this script when a user is registred

Re: HELP WITH A SCRIPT - Zh3r0 - 11.05.2010

No can do.Impossible?

Re: HELP WITH A SCRIPT - Sergei - 11.05.2010

Don't ban player with Ban(Ex) then. However "banned" player will be still able to play on the server, but only if he logs into that acocunt where you put 'banned=1' he won't be able to play.

Re: HELP WITH A SCRIPT - Pawno_Scripter - 13.05.2010

what do you mean..i dont understand

Re: HELP WITH A SCRIPT - DJDhan - 13.05.2010

You mean if you ban a unregistered player, it creates an account for him and puts banned=1?

If so, then you can add a condition in your ban command to check if the user is registered. Or maybe make the users register before they can play.

Re: HELP WITH A SCRIPT - Mike Garber - 13.05.2010

Originally Posted by Sconosciuto
When i ban a user on my server the ban file appears on the server directory but I dont want beacause i have this script when a user is registred
Remove Ban(playerid); from your /ban command.

Re: HELP WITH A SCRIPT - DJDhan - 13.05.2010

Originally Posted by mavtias
Originally Posted by Sconosciuto
When i ban a user on my server the ban file appears on the server directory but I dont want beacause i have this script when a user is registred
Remove Ban(playerid); from your /ban command.
What's the point of a "/ban" command without "Ban(playerid);" ?

Re: HELP WITH A SCRIPT - Pawno_Scripter - 13.05.2010

what change BanEx(playerid); or Ban(playerid) ?