Hi, I have a command that handles most of a players stuff. This particular command handles an Administrators "hidden" status, makes him/her invisible. However, when used it doesn't do anything? Is there something I'm doing wrong? I have tried a few variations on the sscanf format, none are working!
params = the command | mCommand = main command (hide) | sCommand = the sub command (on/off)
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(mCommand, "hide", true) == 0)
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3)
new sCommand[3];
if(sscanf(params, mCommand, "s[3]", sCommand))
SendClientMessage(playerid, Red, "USAGE: /my hide [on/off]");
if(strcmp(sCommand, "on", true) == 0)
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Hidden]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, Red, "You are alreading invisible!");
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && PlayerInfo[i][Level] < 3)
ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(i, playerid, false);
SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i, playerid, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) & 0xFFFFFF00));
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s[%d] is now hidden for players", pName(playerid), playerid);
MessageToAdminsEx(playerid, MAD_WHITE, string);
PlayerInfo[playerid][Hidden] = 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, MANAGEMENT, "* You are now invisible to players.");
return 1;
if(strcmp(sCommand, "off", true) == 0)
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Hidden] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, Red, "You're hide is already off!");
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && PlayerInfo[i][Level] < 3)
ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(i, playerid, false);
SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i, playerid, (GetPlayerColor(playerid)));
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s[%d] is not invisible anymore.", pName(playerid), playerid);
MessageToAdminsEx(playerid, MAD_WHITE, string);
PlayerInfo[playerid][Hidden] = 0;
SendClientMessage(playerid, MANAGEMENT, "* You are now invisible to players.");
return 1;
} else return 0;