Hel Guys Please! - Printable Version
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Hel Guys Please! -
Killerr1234 - 07.05.2010
Hey All I Need SOmeone Help Me I Dont Know How To Make THe Pickup Make ME Go To THe Place I Slecet So Please Puplis Help Me WIth SOme Picture I Need Help real Help
Re: Hel Guys Please! -
v0nz - 07.05.2010
First of all, try explaining your problem. I understand your not english proficient but try using ****** translator to explain your problem.
Second, I think your talking about picking up a pick-up and making you teleport somewhere. Not sure though.
Re: Hel Guys Please! -
ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 07.05.2010
lol, kindly explain it properly again
EDIT : Okay, I kinda understand your language here. 
So, you're referring to, a player picking up a pickup
and then teleporting to the place you want??
Re: Hel Guys Please! -
ruarai - 07.05.2010
If your a different language go to the bottom, language specific bits there
Re: Hel Guys Please! -
[MWR]Blood - 07.05.2010
I think that he wants a when a player enters picks up the pickup, it teleports him.So here's the code:
pawn Код:
new teleportpk;
teleportpk = CreatePickup(356,3,X,Y,Z,-1);
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
return 1;