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A question. - Printable Version

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A question. - AlbanianGuy - 05.05.2010

I converted objects from mta map editor and it gave me this
Now my question is : Is this " ,,,,," an object ? I have never see an object id like that .

Re: A question. - luigifan9 - 05.05.2010

Thats an invalid object i think.

Re: A question. - v0nz - 05.05.2010

Originally Posted by Rocky
I converted objects from mta map editor and it gave me this
Now my question is : Is this " ,,,,," an object ? I have never see an object id like that .
,,,,,, is supposed to be the ID of the object, therefor it is an invalid object ID.

Example: CreateObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ);

Re: A question. - -Rebel Son- - 06.05.2010

Originally Posted by v0nzz
Originally Posted by Rocky
I converted objects from mta map editor and it gave me this
Now my question is : Is this " ,,,,," an object ? I have never see an object id like that .
Example: CreateObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ);
i think your forgoting World at the end of that.