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Property help... - Printable Version

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Property help... - Luis- - 04.05.2010

Can anyone help with Kapils House Builder Fs?

	BuildHouse( 1496.95 , -688.70 , 95.30 , 500000 );
	BuildHouseEx( 1496.9120,-687.9052,95.5633,1496.9120,-687.9052,95.5633,7,500000 );
They are my XYZ Coordinets,
If you can help me it wold be much appreciated.

Re: Property help... - Luis- - 04.05.2010

[me=Luis_Geramia]bumps the topic[/me]

Re: Property help... - Luis- - 05.05.2010

Bump, PLease help me?

Re: Property help... - Las Venturas CNR - 05.05.2010

Originally Posted by dugi
b) Do not bump
Some people apparently think they are important enough to bump their own topic after 10 minutes.
You can bump topics when the last reply is at least 12 hours old.
Also, explain more... whats the issue?