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[Map] [MAP] Church interior - Printable Version

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[MAP] Church interior - Omecken - 25.04.2010

Hi, lately I've been creating a shit load of roleplay maps. I'll probably be releasing them frequently here at SAMP's forums. It's not really much to say about this church interior, just look at the pictures below.


Total amount of objects: 42.

Interior id(SetPlayerInterior): 10.

Pawn code:
CreateObject(9931, 369.681640625, 2339.9267578125, 1904.9915771484, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(9931, 369.7060546875, 2308.431640625, 1904.9920654297, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(6959, 380.3193359375, 2327.4951171875, 1888.5981445313, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(6959, 378.1806640625, 2333.775390625, 1897.5466308594, 296.47705078125, 0, 0);
CreateObject(6959, 378.0703125, 2314.8393554688, 1897.5084228516, 63.740020751953, 0, 0);
CreateObject(6959, 363.0498046875, 2326.4736328125, 1902.5007324219, 0, 270.18676757813, 0);
CreateObject(9931, 409.28952026367, 2325.361328125, 1903.9514160156, 0, 0, 182.88500976563);
CreateObject(6959, 349.35693359375, 2328.1083984375, 1889.6359863281, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(14394, 370.83624267578, 2320.2700195313, 1888.7946777344, 0, 0, 179.43994140625);
CreateObject(14394, 370.92697143555, 2328.2631835938, 1888.7946777344, 0, 0, 179.43969726563);
CreateObject(3657, 373.32641601563, 2328.6003417969, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96997070313);
CreateObject(3657, 375.27359008789, 2328.5871582031, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96704101563);
CreateObject(3657, 377.10638427734, 2328.55078125, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96704101563);
CreateObject(3657, 379.10192871094, 2328.5529785156, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96704101563);
CreateObject(3657, 381.24136352539, 2328.552734375, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96704101563);
CreateObject(3657, 383.30206298828, 2328.5458984375, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96704101563);
CreateObject(3657, 373.34204101563, 2320.0771484375, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96154785156);
CreateObject(3657, 375.22265625, 2320.0434570313, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96154785156);
CreateObject(3657, 377.12313842773, 2320.0419921875, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96154785156);
CreateObject(3657, 379.14074707031, 2320.0615234375, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96154785156);
CreateObject(3657, 381.31060791016, 2320.05859375, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96154785156);
CreateObject(3657, 383.32202148438, 2320.029296875, 1889.0850830078, 0, 0, 269.96154785156);
CreateObject(8131, 359.04635620117, 2324.1560058594, 1890.9467773438, 334.75, 0, 270.44000244141);
CreateObject(14705, 367.74389648438, 2322.6496582031, 1890.7045898438, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2208, 367.70974731445, 2325.3110351563, 1889.6047363281, 0, 0, 269.95498657227);
CreateObject(2868, 367.74664306641, 2325.3173828125, 1890.4699707031, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2894, 367.60568237305, 2324.0219726563, 1890.4699707031, 0, 0, 269.39514160156);
CreateObject(2869, 368.66561889648, 2331.6791992188, 1889.6047363281, 0, 0, 320.9599609375);
CreateObject(2869, 365.07345581055, 2331.7023925781, 1889.6047363281, 0, 0, 322.20654296875);
CreateObject(2869, 365.21087646484, 2316.7504882813, 1889.6047363281, 0, 0, 320.95458984375);
CreateObject(2869, 368.77743530273, 2316.8020019531, 1889.6047363281, 0, 0, 320.95458984375);
CreateObject(2896, 367.05938720703, 2318.2067871094, 1890.2440185547, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1664, 367.76473999023, 2323.0808105469, 1890.63671875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1667, 367.53042602539, 2323.2294921875, 1890.55859375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2869, 375.79760742188, 2316.7111816406, 1888.5668945313, 0, 0, 320.95458984375);
CreateObject(2869, 382.89117431641, 2316.5712890625, 1888.5668945313, 0, 0, 320.95458984375);
CreateObject(2869, 375.69821166992, 2331.720703125, 1888.5668945313, 0, 0, 320.95458984375);
CreateObject(2869, 382.8698425293, 2331.7434082031, 1888.5668945313, 0, 0, 320.95458984375);
CreateObject(6959, 375.40222167969, 2326.0595703125, 1915.3721923828, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(6959, 387.21533203125, 2323.322265625, 1924.6811523438, 0, 269.68676757813, 2.75);
CreateObject(3462, 364.39996337891, 2328.1259765625, 1890.3927001953, 0, 0, 179.65002441406);
CreateObject(3462, 364.37484741211, 2320.1662597656, 1890.3676757813, 0, 0, 180.3984375);

Re: Church interior - Correlli - 25.04.2010

What can I say? Amazing one, it looks nice. 5/5

Re: Church interior - Guedes747 - 25.04.2010

Wow! Epic map men 10/10.

Re: Church interior - Omecken - 25.04.2010

Glad you liked it, will post a prison interior within five minutes, lets see what you think of that.

Re: Church interior - Trooper[Y] - 25.04.2010


Re: Church interior - russo666 - 25.04.2010

You rock!

Re: Church interior - [03]Garsino - 25.04.2010

Nice work, I guess you made the interior inside the building itself?

Re: Church interior - ¤Adas¤ - 25.04.2010

This is cool, 15/10!

Re: Church interior - Omecken - 25.04.2010


Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
Nice work, I guess you made the interior inside the building itself?
Nope, used house walls.. as walls.

Re: Church interior - Rickeman - 26.04.2010

this is amazing!
i say 10/10!

Re: Church interior - J-Sl4ugh7 - 26.04.2010

is it enterable ? If so , it would be awesome

Re: Church interior - Omecken - 26.04.2010

Thank you.

Originally Posted by ~J-Sl4ugh7™
is it enterable ? If so , it would be awesome
Hints: SetPlayerPos, SetPlayerInt.

Re: Church interior - [WF]Demon - 26.04.2010

amazing 10/10

Re: [MAP] Church interior - Bleach1 - 27.04.2010

Can you give coordinates?

Re: [MAP] Church interior - Sergei - 27.04.2010

Wow very nice. I'm probably going to use it ^^

Re: [MAP] Church interior - Joey09 - 27.04.2010

VERYNICE! 9.5/10

Re: [MAP] Church interior - Omecken - 27.04.2010

Originally Posted by Bleach1
Can you give coordinates?
See the first post I made, just make a teleport to an object coord.

Thanks all. Expect an other release today or tomorrow.

Re: [MAP] Church interior - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 27.04.2010

Really awesome Omecken! Keep them coming

Re: [MAP] Church interior - Peep - 01.05.2010

Nice ! 9.9/10 always can do better

Re: [MAP] Church interior - Rac3r - 01.05.2010

I love unique maps, this is one of them.
Good map Omecken