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Whats the commands for starting/stoping a timer for a race? x - Printable Version

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Whats the commands for starting/stoping a timer for a race? x - olieg38 - 23.04.2010

Whats the commands for starting/stoping a timer for a race? x
Help please
If helpful you will be awarded admin on my server!

Re: Whats the commands for starting/stoping a timer for a race? x - Calgon - 23.04.2010

pawn Код:
PAWN Functions.

These are probably not what you're looking for, but there's no predefined commands to do so, you'll have to find a script for this or create one yourself.

Re: Whats the commands for starting/stoping a timer for a race? x - olieg38 - 23.04.2010

Wht? pawno format?

Re: Whats the commands for starting/stoping a timer for a race? x - Calgon - 23.04.2010

Originally Posted by olieg38
Wht? pawno format?
Please read my post properly.

Re: Whats the commands for starting/stoping a timer for a race? x - olieg38 - 23.04.2010

Soz it didnt all load XD
Thank you x