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I need two commands - Printable Version

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I need two commands - InsaneESN - 23.04.2010

I need two commands.
1. When someone says "/ members" appear
|_____Available Names_____|

Example: /members ykz

Yakuza's Online Members
*Name: Firstname_Lastname1 | Level 1 | PH: 8989
*Name: Firstname_Lastname2 | Level 6 | PH: 8987
*Name: Firstname_Lastname3 | Level 3 | PH: 8988

I mean to show me that members who are online faction.

2. When an admin wants to do an event to write /event and defend a point minimap pink on it ... I hope you understand what I mean


Re: I need two commands - InsaneESN - 23.04.2010

Anyone? Please, help
