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Always Night? - Printable Version

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Always Night? - JustinB - 20.04.2010

Ok This might be a wierd thing to ask but is there a way to make the time in game to stay at 24:00 ?

Re: Always Night? - cessil - 20.04.2010

delete your time system and set the time to 24:00

Re: Always Night? - JustinB - 20.04.2010

I dont know how to find my time system

Re: Always Night? - Calgon - 20.04.2010


Re: Always Night? - JustinB - 20.04.2010

Does It Have to do with the clock because the code is
public CLOCK_EverySecondTimer()
	if(CLOCK_minute == 24)
		CLOCK_minute = 24;
	if(CLOCK_hour == 24)
		CLOCK_hour = 24;
	new clockstr[32];
	TextDrawSetString(Clock, clockstr);

stock GetHour()
	return CLOCK_hour;

stock Minute()
	return CLOCK_minute;

Re: Always Night? - cessil - 20.04.2010

yes that is your time system

Re: Always Night? - JustinB - 20.04.2010

So what I do delete it?

Re: Always Night? - Calgon - 20.04.2010

I'm pretty sure when you use SetWorldTime() it doesn't change unless you re-execute the function changing the time, use OnGameModeInit() to SetWorldTime().