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Is it hard? - Printable Version

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Is it hard? - Torran - 19.04.2010

Is it hard to make a object streamer?
I think i made one before but most of that was took of another streamer

Re: Is it hard? - bpeterson - 19.04.2010

The best streamers are plugins (streamer plugins).

Re: Is it hard? - shady91 - 19.04.2010

Originally Posted by Joe Torran C
Is it hard to make a object streamer?
I think i made one before but most of that was took of another streamer
Why not try to make one, if you can and it's easy that means it's easy, if you can't and it's hard that mean's it's hard, no need for a topic for every thought you have.

Re: Is it hard? - dice7 - 19.04.2010

It's not hard creating the basic framework for a streamer. You just do distance checks and create and re-create objects. The hard part is that your custom CreateObject functions return the correct object id and that object related functions affect the correct objects.

player1 is in ls and types /movegate, which moves a gate in lv. Player2 is at the gate and sees it moving. But the gate didn't move for player1, since it was destroyed, because he wasn't close enough.
Solving that kind of problems can give you quite a headache