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Convert MTA pickup to SA:MP - Printable Version

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Convert MTA pickup to SA:MP - andershh - 19.04.2010

How can i convert a "pickup" i created at MTA and insert it at SA:MP ?

I altso created some cars but they wont be the color i want, how can i change that?

Re: Convert MTA pickup to SA:MP - aircombat - 19.04.2010

just get the position from MTA and use CreatePickup

Re: Convert MTA pickup to SA:MP - andershh - 19.04.2010

Shall i add it under OnGameModeInt ?

CreatePickup (x.y.z) ?

Re: Convert MTA pickup to SA:MP - Correlli - 19.04.2010

Originally Posted by andershh
Shall i add it under OnGameModeInt ?

CreatePickup (x.y.z) ?
Yes (if you want to create a pickup when the gamemode starts).

Re: Convert MTA pickup to SA:MP - biltong - 19.04.2010

Not 100% if this converts pickups, but:

Re: Convert MTA pickup to SA:MP - aircombat - 19.04.2010

CreatePickup(model, type, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Virtualworld)