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Please Help!!!! - Printable Version

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Please Help!!!! - Kingbase - 19.04.2010

I have a gamemod (GF-Edit) and after i tunned cars and write /v park the tuning disappears .can Someone help me ?i want tunning remains after i write /v park ...can please Help me !!!!

Sory for my dab english i use ****** translator

Re: Please Help!!!! - 0ne - 19.04.2010

If you downloaded the gamemode just post this in the original release topic, not here..

Re: Please Help!!!! - Kingbase - 19.04.2010

I got him from a friend and i dont know from where he downloaded it......

Sry my bad english

Re: Please Help!!!! - 0ne - 19.04.2010

well if you use a script which saves the tuning , you can add it to your gamemode so it would save the tunings, there are alot of scripts..

Re: Please Help!!!! - Kingbase - 19.04.2010

Hwo to add ....i download 4 mOds rp and no one save tunning if u know hwo to make him saiving tunning please Help!