attachobjecttoplayer - Printable Version
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attachobjecttoplayer -
0ne - 18.04.2010
Ok i have this::
pawn Код:
new marker;
new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
new Float:rx,Float:ry,Float:rz;
marker = CreateObject(1559, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0);
and it just doesn't work when i press control button or m1, anyone knows whats wrong?
Re: attachobjecttoplayer -
Correlli - 18.04.2010
X, Y and Z at AttachObjectToPlayer function are offsets (distance between the player and the object).
Re: attachobjecttoplayer -
0ne - 18.04.2010
Could u explain a little bit more? I didn't quite catch that..
Re: attachobjecttoplayer -
Correlli - 18.04.2010
Re: attachobjecttoplayer -
0ne - 18.04.2010
Ok i managed to get it right
Does anyone know what object id that is? because 1559 the diamond doesn't move or do anything like that.
Re: attachobjecttoplayer -
0ne - 19.04.2010
So does anyone know? I tried searching through MTA Object editor didn't find anything like it except DIAMOND which is not the same object..
Re: attachobjecttoplayer -
Correlli - 19.04.2010
You can't have those markers. You can only use that "diamond" object.
Re: attachobjecttoplayer -
0ne - 19.04.2010
I saw few servers which had those markers, some of them was even pink or yellow...
Re: attachobjecttoplayer -
Correlli - 19.04.2010
Yellow marker.. you mean this? - (objective)
Re: attachobjecttoplayer -
Jay_ - 19.04.2010
Originally Posted by 0ne
I saw few servers which had those markers, some of them was even pink or yellow...
Those player markers where deprecated in 0.1b. The only way to add one is using SetVehicleParamsForPlayer which adds it above the vehicle in question.