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Making a simple command :D - Printable Version

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Making a simple command :D - sekol - 17.04.2010

Chea' i need a example of code to make a simple command like /tie in "Carlito Roleplay" I tryed to modify the /cuff code that's already in this GM but i failed Please?

Re: Making a simple command :D - Steven82 - 17.04.2010

Chea'? don't act black, don't tell me your black because the way you type is defiantly not how black people type, i dare you to tell me that i am lying, but i have black cousins, so stop trying to act black.

Re: Making a simple command :D - sekol - 17.04.2010

Originally Posted by Steven82
Chea'? don't act black, don't tell me your black because the way you type is defiantly not how black people type, i dare you to tell me that i am lying, but i have black cousins, so stop trying to act black.
No I'm not black, but i can write everything i want "like black" lulz...