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How Toggle Up The Places Name - Printable Version

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How Toggle Up The Places Name - AK47317 - 17.04.2010


well i'm here to ask what is the code for show up the place name like santa maria beach like in gta single player.

Re: How Toggle Up The Places Name - 0ne - 17.04.2010

Use XtremeVehiclePlotter.exe file, you can find it somewhere in filterscript by typing xtreme in search, u can make boundries right there and then just change it to:

pawn Код:
new Areas[1][1] =
  {coordinates here}
and then do a timer check to

pawn Код:
forward CheckIfPlayerIsInArea(playerid);
public CheckIfPlayerIsInArea(playerid)
Well i think u get the point? I had a fs somewhere i will check for it later but not sure to find it.. since my brother deleted my past server files

Re: How Toggle Up The Places Name - biltong - 17.04.2010

Here you go.

Re: How Toggle Up The Places Name - deather - 17.04.2010


Re: How Toggle Up The Places Name - AK47317 - 19.04.2010

ok thx