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Please help - Printable Version

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Please help - Ado111 - 17.04.2010

Hi.I have a big problem in my server.

I have a register and login dialog but i need to have a age and sex dialog can somebody help me

Age dialog like a this


and sex dialog

are you male or female


to select you need to click on male or female and.......

sory for my bad english im from bosnia

Re: Please help - Ado111 - 17.04.2010

can somebody do it?please i need this to finish my server

Re: Please help - DJDhan - 17.04.2010

Hi, THIS may help you.

Re: Please help - Ado111 - 17.04.2010

Originally Posted by DJDhan
Hi, THIS may help you.
yea but can you create what i want please?

Re: Please help - DJDhan - 17.04.2010

You have the register and login dialog just copy and edit

Re: Please help - DJDhan - 17.04.2010

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What is your age?",16\n17\n18\n19\n20\n21\n22\n23\n24", "Select");

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
  // We SHOULD use switch(dialogid) with cases, but we're only going to use one dialog in this tutorial.
  if(dialogid == 1 && response) // If the dialogid is 1 (our dialog) and they pressed 'Purchase'
    // We'll use the switch/cases now because we're going to process a few results, not just one. Remember, the first item in the list has id 0.
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
  return 1;

Re: Please help - Ado111 - 17.04.2010


Re: Please help - Ado111 - 17.04.2010

lol it doesnt work?

i compile and its good but that didnt work ingame

Re: Please help - SpiderPork - 17.04.2010

Originally Posted by Ado111
lol it doesnt work?

i compile and its good but that didnt work ingame
I bet you just copy-pasted the code he gave you . You have to edit it to suit your needs.

Re: Please help - FUNExtreme - 17.04.2010

If you want to script then you can't just copy/paste. You have to look at what you get or .. even better, TRY BY YOURSELF