racing system how to take time? - Printable Version
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racing system how to take time? -
Cank - 10.04.2010
hi, i'm scripting a race system and i just don't know how to take the time that needs a racer from start to finish.
i want that, when someone starts the race the time starts and when a racer finishes there shuold be a message in the chat like
"<name> has finished the race in <minutes>:<seconds>:<milliseconds>".
how would you do it?
Re: racing system how to take time? -
[HiC]TheKiller - 10.04.2010
Look at my race script, it should help you.
Re: racing system how to take time? -
Cank - 10.04.2010
ah ok, you made it with a timer and increase a variable each second, yes?
but i want to take the time with milliseconds, so do i need a timer with an intervall of 1 millisecond, uh?
Re: racing system how to take time? -
[HiC]TheKiller - 10.04.2010
Originally Posted by Cank
ah ok, you made it with a timer and increase a variable each second, yes?
but i want to take the time with milliseconds, so do i need a timer with an intervall of 1 millisecond, uh?
Or you could make a timer in seconds then divide by 1000.
Re: racing system how to take time? -
Cank - 10.04.2010
but then you cant give the time exatly in millieconds, because the function is only called one time each second, or am i wrong?
could you give a short example pls?
Re: racing system how to take time? -
Jeffry - 10.04.2010
This should help you.
Helped me too.
Re: racing system how to take time? -
Cank - 10.04.2010
thank you
Re: racing system how to take time? -
Jeffry - 10.04.2010
Originally Posted by Cank
thank you 
No problem.