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420 Roleplay(need scripter) - Printable Version

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420 Roleplay(need scripter) - santaoncrack - 10.04.2010

If you are good at scripting, or at least somewhat good, please contact me and in return i will give lead admin on my server, all we need is a few things scripted...

#1 I need guns to save when you log out
#2 i need Health and armor to save after log out
Those are the main things, there is a few other things that ill will need but ill tell you about them once i have a scripter.

So if you are interested please contact me at .

Re: 420 Roleplay(need scripter) - Steven82 - 10.04.2010

Originally Posted by santaoncrack
If you are good at scripting, or at least somewhat good, please contact me and in return i will give lead admin on my server, all we need is a few things scripted...

#1 I need guns to save when you log out
#2 i need Health and armor to save after log out
Those are the main things, there is a few other things that ill will need but ill tell you about them once i have a scripter.

So if you are interested please contact me at .
Why would anyone want to script your GF it a GF or not even just a name change of GTA:RP