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Car System - Printable Version

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Car System - Anthonyx3' - 08.04.2010

Im making a gm from scratch and i would like to know a few basic things.

im planing to make a car ownership system. is there any good tuts or guides i could use, or can some1 give me an explanation on how to make it. if there is a good base i could use please tell me. thank you.


Re: Car System - Owenlishious - 08.04.2010

im also helping him with most of the scripting and we need at least some examples/tutorials...

so please provide some usful codes and we will reward you with a cookie


Re: Car System - Steven82 - 08.04.2010

What type of script, RP?

Re: Car System - Zeeee - 08.04.2010

Cops n Robbers , we are starting from a blank script.

Re: Car System - Anthonyx3' - 08.04.2010

^^ what he said.

We have a blank script, we making everything. we making the car system for a cops and robber server.

Re: Car System - Anthonyx3' - 09.04.2010


Re: Car System - ruckfules99 - 09.04.2010

Well i suggest you take a look at car systems and see how they work. There are quite a few released on the forum.

Re: Car System - -Rebel Son- - 09.04.2010


Well i suggest you take a look at car systems and see how they work. There are quite a few released on the forum.

He's right, Find a system, examine the code, and build your own! or use theirs, (keep their name in the credits!)

Re: Car System - Anthonyx3' - 10.04.2010

which would be a good for a cnr server?