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problem with a command - Printable Version

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problem with a command - Padarom - 05.04.2010

I wrote an command which looks if you're near a pickup I've defined and checks if you've got enough money for this house (I defined). But when I type /wohnen ingame there's no message. I can't locate any error in console and server log.

if (strcmp("/wohnen", cmdtext, true) == 0)
		if(pInfo[playerid][neu] == 1)
	  	SendClientMessage(playerid,ROT,"Du hast bereits ein Haus!");
			new bool:foundPickup=false;
			for(new i=0;i<49;i++)
					if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < hauskosten[i])
				  	// Zu wenig Geld
						new msg[128];
						format(msg, sizeof msg, "Du hast nicht genug Geld fьr diese Immobilie. Du benцtigst %d$",hauskosten[i]);
				  	// Genug Geld
						new Float:Xpos, Float:Ypos, Float:Zpos, Float:fAngle, queryn[128], prin[256];
						new queryx[128], queryy[128], queryz[128], querya[128], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], queryneu[128];
						format(queryx,sizeof queryx,"UPDATE skin SET skin1x = %f WHERE name = '%s'",Xpos,pName);
						format(queryy,sizeof queryy,"UPDATE skin SET skin1y = %f WHERE name = '%s'",Ypos,pName);
 						format(queryz,sizeof queryz,"UPDATE skin SET skin1z = %f WHERE name = '%s'",Zpos,pName);
 						format(querya,sizeof querya,"UPDATE skin SET skin1a = %f WHERE name = '%s'",fAngle,pName);
 						format(queryn,sizeof querya,"UPDATE skin SET skin1name = Privatskin WHERE name = '%s'",pName);
						format(prin,sizeof prin,"%s hat gespeichert mit X %f Y %f Z %f und Angle %f",pName,Xpos,Ypos,Zpos,fAngle);
						pInfo[playerid][neu] = 0;
						format(queryneu,sizeof queryneu,"UPDATE user SET neu = 0 WHERE name = '%s'",pName);

				SendClientMessage(playerid,ROT,"Du bist nicht in der Nдhe eines kaufbaren Hauses. Schau auf der Karte nach.");
House definitions:
new hauskosten[49] =
	2500,	1700,	2500,	2000,	2500,	2200,	1800,	4500,	2200,	2000,	1500,	2000,	2500,
	2800,	2500,	2000,	2600,	3000,	3200,	2200,	2400,	2600,	1800,	2000,	2300,	1600,
	3200,	3100,	3600,	3500,	3100,	3000,	3400,	3000,	1800,	2000,	2300,	1600,	3200,
	3200,	1200,	1200,	1200,	1200,	3400,	3400,	3400,	3100

new Float:haus[49][3]=
	{2067.4065, -1731.6440, 13.8762},
	{2012.3688, -1656.3959, 13.5547},
	{2015.9045, -1641.7181, 13.7824},
	{2016.7020, -1629.7666, 13.5469},
	{2068.7625, -1628.8110, 13.8762},
	{2068.5388, -1643.6956, 13.5469},
	{2067.7371, -1656.8142, 13.5469},
	{2065.5249, -1703.2827, 14.1484},
	{2067.2285, -1716.8826, 13.5547},
	{2014.7258, -1732.8055, 14.2344},
	{2015.3224, -1717.1617, 13.5547},
	{2017.5978, -1702.9974, 14.2344},
	{2015.3224, -1717.1617, 13.5547},
	{2017.5978, -1702.9974, 14.2344},
	{2308.7744, -1715.0220, 14.6496},
	{2306.8833, -1678.7894, 14.0012},
	{2368.2605, -1674.9868, 14.1682},
	{2362.6506, -1644.2437, 13.5313},
	{2409.0989, -1673.8839, 13.6044},
	{2384.6162, -1674.8713, 14.7234},
	{2385.8176, -1712.9901, 14.1796},
	{2402.5837, -1716.0219, 13.9366},
	{2393.0059, -1646.9878, 13.5350},
	{2413.9487, -1647.3440, 14.0119},
	{2451.7817, -1642.4371, 13.7357},
	{2469.4573, -1647.2286, 13.5182},
	{2498.2456, -1642.8578, 13.7826},
	{2513.3696, -1690.8275, 13.5293},
	{2151.2246, -1446.1715, 25.7746},
	{2149.0498, -1433.7584, 25.5391},
	{2150.2231, -1419.2042, 25.9219},
	{2150.2466, -1400.8291, 25.7980},
	{2195.4233, -1442.9932, 25.5391},
	{2192.6489, -1456.0232, 25.5391},
	{2191.5085, -1470.3420, 25.9141},
	{2190.9495, -1487.6495, 25.7746},
	{2451.7817, -1642.4371, 13.7357},
	{2469.4573, -1647.2286, 13.5182},
	{2498.2456, -1642.8578, 13.7826},
	{2513.3696, -1690.8275, 13.5293},
	{2153.4678, -980.8218, 63.2934},
	{2143.1438, -978.2022, 61.3793},
	{2131.4187, -974.4938, 59.7856},
	{2122.4060, -969.7921, 58.2074},
	{767.6899, -1655.5536, 5.6094},
	{766.4616, -1605.9467, 13.8039},
	{768.6107, -1696.8157, 5.1554},
	{769.2280, -1745.7079, 13.0773},
	{768.8572, -1727.3201, 13.4321}
I hope you can help

Re: problem with a command - pmk1 - 05.04.2010

it happens sometimes when other Fs which are corrupted are on your server at same time, sometimes they block some cmds effects, so go look around other Fs yo uhave loaded to see if you missed a return 1 or anything

Re: problem with a command - Padarom - 06.04.2010

In every of my commands is a return 1; and I didn't load any fs.
But the problem's still there. Also i've got the same problem with another thing in my script. When the player spawns and the Bool "neu" = true there should be a message for the player, but there isn't. The bool should set after the login. It should be loaded out of my mysql table. I checked already if the bool doesn't load and set it manual to true after login. But still no message after spawn.