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Mexico 6.9 earthquake - Printable Version

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Mexico 6.9 earthquake - Zamaroht - 04.04.2010

Just happened, about an hour ago or so. I couldn't find much info just yet, but apparently a 6.9 ritchler earthquake hit mexico and some parts of USA.

Some info

Re: Mexico 6.9 earthquake - Kyosaur - 04.04.2010

Yeah, i felt it (i live in southern California) lol. I dont know how mexico is doing, but there seems to be no damage in the US (one person was trapped in in elevator, but thats about it).

Was the biggest quake i have felt so far.

EDIT: It was a 7.2 according to cbs (channel 2 news).

Re: Mexico 6.9 earthquake - Guedes747 - 04.04.2010

I knew about it, this nub told me on MSN ^

I personally never felt a Earthquake... usually when they happen on Portugal im sleeping or im playing computer lol, and they are allways of weak intensity.

Anyway glad no one was harmed.

Re: Mexico 6.9 earthquake - Kyosaur - 05.04.2010

Originally Posted by Guedes_
I knew about it, this nub told me on MSN ^

I personally never felt a Earthquake... usually when they happen on Portugal im sleeping or im playing computer lol, and they are allways of weak intensity.

Anyway glad no one was harmed.
Wouldnt say no one yet. The news hasnt reported anything about mexico; their building codes are not as strict, so i wouldnt be surprised if some buildings game down.

Re: Mexico 6.9 earthquake - SaW_[VrTx] - 05.04.2010

I'm glad that i live in Latvia There is no earthquakes, tornados, cunami and so so at all.
Edit: 500 posts

Re: Mexico 6.9 earthquake - HydraX - 05.04.2010


Chile 8,8
Haiti 6.9
Japan 7.5
Mexico 6.9

Something is really going on..

Here are some more.

Re: Mexico 6.9 earthquake - ineoncore - 05.04.2010

Originally Posted by Seif_
I suppose 2012 = earthquake huh? It was nicely predicted :P
This is actually scary. A lot of countries are getting earthquakes lately.
I t getting closer up..
From haiti then California I think I hope there wont be in canada :/

Re: Mexico 6.9 earthquake - RoamPT - 05.04.2010

Originally Posted by Seif_
I suppose 2012 = earthquake huh? It was nicely predicted :P
This is actually scary. A lot of countries are getting earthquakes lately.
I don't get this 2012 stuff, things that are happening now, they happened a few years back and even worst.

Re: Mexico 6.9 earthquake - Zh3r0 - 05.04.2010

Mother nature is just rude!!

Re: Mexico 6.9 earthquake - Calgon - 05.04.2010

Just heard about it on BBC Radio 1, apparently one person died as their house collapsed with them inside.