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MoveObject more times - Printable Version

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MoveObject more times - Freddy Z - 02.04.2010

I know the command MoveObject, but how can i make an object move more times? i mean, once the object moved, how do you make it move again somwhere else and so on?
Using only one /textcommand for once

Re: MoveObject more times - mysql - 02.04.2010

You could add a timer to check when object get to that pos it moves again to other pos.

Re: MoveObject more times - Freddy Z - 03.04.2010

But the function called must be public...
since i want the player to be on the moving object, i did this

pawn Код:
public OnObjectMoved(objectid)
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,10,994.28308105469, 1051.5045166016, 50.0))
    MoveObject(obj,971.3954,2968.8677,110.6146, 75.00);
    return 1;


pwn(271) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"
pwn(275) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"

Re: MoveObject more times - bajskorv123 - 03.04.2010

pawn Код:
SetTimer("Move", 500, false);

//Somewhere in script
forward Move(objectid);
public Move(objectid)
  MoveObject(obj1, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000);
  SetTimer("MoveNext", (MoveObject(obj1, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000)), false);//Calculates how long it will take for obj1 to move

forward MoveNext(objectid);
public MoveNext(objectid)
  MoveObject(obj2, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000);
  SetTimer("MoveNext2", (MoveObject(obj2, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000)), false);

forward MoveNext2(objectid);
public MoveNext2(objectid)
  MoveObject(obj3, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000);
  SetTimer("MoveNext2", (MoveObject(obj3, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000)), false);
Then keep doing it like that, the example above will do the following:

1. Filterscript starts, sets a 0.5 second timer to start the "Move" function.
2. Timer starts "Move" function wich moves obj1 to X Y Z then sets a timer to start "MoveNext" function when obj1 is finished.
3. Timer starts "MoveNext" function wich moves obj2 to X Y Z then sets a timer to start "MoveNext2" function when obj2 is finished.
4. Timer starts "MoveNext2" function wich moves obj3 to X Y Z then sets a timer to start "MoveNext3" function when obj3 is finished.
5. Then you can keep doing it like that.

Re: MoveObject more times - Freddy Z - 03.04.2010

I added what you've written at the bottom of the script but

pwn(97 : error 017: undefined symbol "obj1"
pwn(984) : error 017: undefined symbol "obj2"
pwn(985) : error 017: undefined symbol "obj2"
pwn(991) : error 017: undefined symbol "obj3"
pwn(992) : error 017: undefined symbol "obj3"

pawn Код:
forward Move(objectid);
public Move(objectid)
  MoveObject(obj1, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000);
  SetTimer("MoveNext", (MoveObject(obj1, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000)), false);//Calculates how long it will take for obj1 to move

forward MoveNext(objectid);
public MoveNext(objectid)
  MoveObject(obj2, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000);
  SetTimer("MoveNext2", (MoveObject(obj2, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000)), false);

forward MoveNext2(objectid);
public MoveNext2(objectid)
  MoveObject(obj3, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000);
  SetTimer("MoveNext2", (MoveObject(obj3, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 2.5000)), false);

Re: MoveObject more times - Crezy-Boy - 03.04.2010

Check your CreateObject codes, choose the objects you want to move and add obj1= infront of it.

Re: MoveObject more times - Freddy Z - 07.04.2010

i want to move one object only