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This goes to work? - Printable Version

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This goes to work? - Sergio_team - 01.04.2010

Hi, im doing a public for my gm of racing, of in every race the player goes to have 1/901 to get an object, this goes to work?

new RandStart = random(901);
		  	case 0:
		  	  return 1;
		  	case 1..900:
		  	return 1;
return 1
because when i compile if i put the random 900 or less don't give me a warning, and when i put more of 900 don't give me a warning.

Re: This goes to work? - [cA]Unforseen - 01.04.2010

its not public :O
and the return :OOOOOOOO

it should be return 1; not return 1
so dont steal scripts...

Re: This goes to work? - RSX - 01.04.2010

why aren't you just using if(RandStart) (same as ==1) and no returns? except for last one.

Re: This goes to work? - Sergio_team - 01.04.2010

Originally Posted by RSX
why aren't you just using if(RandStart) (same as ==1) and no returns? except for last one.
ok, i go to use if(RandStart == 0)

if(RandStart == 1..900)

this its okey no?

And the return 1 i writed in here, but i have writed good the return 1; in my gm xD

public DarObjetos(playerid)
new RandStart = random(901);
if(RandStart == 0)
if(RandStart >= 1 && RandStart <= 900)

return 1;