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how to: multiple checkpoints? - Printable Version

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how to: multiple checkpoints? - KDlivest954 - 31.03.2010

how do i make multiple checkpoints?

Re: how to: multiple checkpoints? - Correlli - 31.03.2010

You can show only one checkpoint at the time, but you could use the checkpoint streamer to make things easier for you (but you can still only show one CP at the time).

Re: how to: multiple checkpoints? - KDlivest954 - 31.03.2010

ok thnx . i was tring to make weapons menu and a buy car menu. i could instead jus use pickups rite?

Re: how to: multiple checkpoints? - niCe - 31.03.2010

Indeed, pickups could be better for your intent.

Re: how to: multiple checkpoints? - Rac3r - 31.03.2010

Also, look into SetPlayerMapIcon, useful for pointing out where the weapon and car menu is located with the radar.

Re: how to: multiple checkpoints? - [XST]O_x - 31.03.2010

theres a tutorial here

Re: how to: multiple checkpoints? - KDlivest954 - 01.04.2010

thnx guys. helped alot.