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Can How do i Use this Marker type to teleport Me - Printable Version

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Can How do i Use this Marker type to teleport Me - XxJoexX - 30.03.2010

Its not got to teleport me in to a interior, just to a different coord, so i can go from one Arrow marker, walk in to it and it takes me to Just in front of the outer one the walk in to that one and im back but just in front of the other one.

Im just such a noob at this scripting biz:

These are the coord's for the arrow markers:

1972.9859619141, -1559.9599609375, 13.288646697998, 0.000000, 0.000000, 45.880004882813, 250.0);
1971.3880615234, -1558.5076904297, 13.459463119507, 0.000000, 0.000000, 228.40417480469, 250.0);


Re: Can How do i Use this Marker type to teleport Me - Naruto4 - 30.03.2010

Those are the EnterExit default arrows ? or you added them (object/pickup) ??


you can put that in some timer or just if pickup

if(pickupid == arrow1) // you need to "new arrow1 = CreatePickup(....

Re: Can How do i Use this Marker type to teleport Me - XxJoexX - 30.03.2010

i add-ed it but its not a object kk