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[Map] [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - Printable Version

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[MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - XRVX - 28.03.2010

..:SuperJump 3 Versions:..

I made 3 versions of a jump
u can see the diffrent versions on the screens
Choose wich one u like


This is by every version the same

Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

-->Download Original Files

-->Converted Maps

Version 1
CreateObject(18450, 1780.9228515625, 2153.2314453125, 340.58459472656, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1778.6866455078, 2205.1916503906, 283.13973999023, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1776.4141845703, 2258.0329589844, 224.82489013672, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1774.1402587891, 2311.6096191406, 165.67504882813, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1773.5897216797, 2324.8464355469, 152, 0, 314.2109375, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1773.4870605469, 2324.3334960938, 153, 0, 324.13391113281, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1773.2292480469, 2331.009765625, 148.75, 0, 334.05456542969, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1773.1278076172, 2334.9245605469, 147.12496948242, 0, 340.00524902344, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1772.8834228516, 2338.7917480469, 146.07467651367, 0, 345.95983886719, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1772.4774169922, 2343.5251464844, 145.17489624023, 0, 351.91442871094, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1771.8454589844, 2355.1501464844, 145.04992675781, 0, 359.85400390625, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1771.8447265625, 2355.1494140625, 145.5498046875, 0, 10.851684570313, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1771.490234375, 2361.59765625, 147.09942626953, 0, 16.094970703125, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1771.2888183594, 2367.0314941406, 149.09942626953, 359.25, 27.344970703125, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1771.1547851563, 2368.326171875, 149.09942626953, 359.24743652344, 39.589477539063, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1771.0356445313, 2369.7231445313, 149.09942626953, 359.24194335938, 49.339233398438, 272.44445800781);
CreateObject(18450, 1783.2160644531, 2099.970703125, 399.36917114258, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1785.515625, 2046.5877685547, 458.16891479492, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1787.7327880859, 1993.4982910156, 516.744140625, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1789.9296875, 1940.0855712891, 575.67004394531, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1792.1873779297, 1887.2183837891, 634.02038574219, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(8040, 1793.5296630859, 1820.791015625, 664.64135742188, 0, 0, 92.280029296875);
CreateObject(710, 1774.7327880859, 1859.3553466797, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(710, 1809.3425292969, 1860.0715332031, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(710, 1812.2825927734, 1782.7137451172, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(710, 1777.7937011719, 1781.3294677734, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
Version 2
CreateObject(18450, 1780.9228515625, 2153.2314453125, 340.58459472656, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1778.6866455078, 2205.1916503906, 283.13973999023, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1776.4141845703, 2258.0329589844, 224.82489013672, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1774.1402587891, 2311.6096191406, 165.67504882813, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1773.5897216797, 2324.8464355469, 152, 0, 314.2109375, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1783.2160644531, 2099.970703125, 399.36917114258, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1785.515625, 2046.5877685547, 458.16891479492, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1787.7327880859, 1993.4982910156, 516.744140625, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1789.9296875, 1940.0855712891, 575.67004394531, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1792.1873779297, 1887.2183837891, 634.02038574219, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(8040, 1793.5296630859, 1820.791015625, 664.64135742188, 0, 0, 92.280029296875);
CreateObject(710, 1774.7327880859, 1859.3553466797, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(710, 1809.3425292969, 1860.0715332031, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(710, 1812.2825927734, 1782.7137451172, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(710, 1777.7937011719, 1781.3294677734, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(17310, 1772.2274169922, 2364.5686035156, 118.51904296875, 0, 169.10496520996, 270.90997314453);
CreateObject(17310, 1771.7512207031, 2392.912109375, 126.61904907227, 0, 222.78656005859, 270.90637207031);
Version 3
CreateObject(18450, 1780.9228515625, 2153.2314453125, 340.58459472656, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1778.6866455078, 2205.1916503906, 283.13973999023, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1776.4141845703, 2258.0329589844, 224.82489013672, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1774.1402587891, 2311.6096191406, 165.67504882813, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1773.5897216797, 2324.8464355469, 152, 0, 314.2109375, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1783.2160644531, 2099.970703125, 399.36917114258, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1785.515625, 2046.5877685547, 458.16891479492, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1787.7327880859, 1993.4982910156, 516.744140625, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1789.9296875, 1940.0855712891, 575.67004394531, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(18450, 1792.1873779297, 1887.2183837891, 634.02038574219, 0, 312.22595214844, 272.44995117188);
CreateObject(8040, 1793.5296630859, 1820.791015625, 664.64135742188, 0, 0, 92.280029296875);
CreateObject(710, 1774.7327880859, 1859.3553466797, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(710, 1809.3425292969, 1860.0715332031, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(710, 1812.2825927734, 1782.7137451172, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(710, 1777.7937011719, 1781.3294677734, 679.46240234375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1633, 1767.8121337891, 2349.982421875, 127.86981964111, 313.29998779297, 0, 2.25);
CreateObject(1633, 1771.7374267578, 2350.0065917969, 127.94481658936, 313.29711914063, 0, 2.2467041015625);
CreateObject(1633, 1775.8375244141, 2349.8540039063, 128.14479064941, 313.29711914063, 0, 2.2467041015625);
CreateObject(1633, 1767.5775146484, 2356.4189453125, 125.56967163086, 333.20703125, 0, 2.2467041015625);
CreateObject(1633, 1771.6762695313, 2356.5834960938, 125.56967163086, 333.20434570313, 0, 2.2412109375);
CreateObject(1633, 1775.5946044922, 2356.7819824219, 125.56967163086, 333.20434570313, 0, 2.2412109375);
CreateObject(1633, 1775.3748779297, 2363.58984375, 125.69467926025, 353.89428710938, 359.45498657227, 1.7412109375);
CreateObject(1633, 1771.4476318359, 2363.3645019531, 125.69467926025, 353.8916015625, 359.45068359375, 1.73583984375);
CreateObject(1633, 1767.3452148438, 2363.244140625, 125.69467926025, 353.8916015625, 359.45068359375, 1.73583984375);
CreateObject(1633, 1767.1134033203, 2368.4106445313, 128.36965942383, 20.051513671875, 359.45068359375, 1.73583984375);
CreateObject(1633, 1771.1923828125, 2368.4738769531, 128.36965942383, 20.050048828125, 359.45068359375, 1.73583984375);
CreateObject(1633, 1775.3215332031, 2368.5397949219, 128.36965942383, 20.050048828125, 359.45068359375, 1.73583984375);
CreateObject(1633, 1767.0258789063, 2370.2854003906, 130.5696105957, 46.135070800781, 359.45068359375, 1.73583984375);
CreateObject(1633, 1770.9560546875, 2370.3640136719, 130.5696105957, 46.131591796875, 359.45068359375, 1.73583984375);
CreateObject(1633, 1775.0394287109, 2370.5129394531, 130.5696105957, 46.131591796875, 359.45068359375, 1.73583984375);

This is a teleport i made for it
if (!strcmp("//superjump",cmdtext,true))
	if (GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
	return 1;
Have Fun!

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - FireFox_ - 28.03.2010

Nice maps

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - Kuba_PL - 28.03.2010


Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - XRVX - 28.03.2010

Originally Posted by <Krys>
Nice maps
Originally Posted by Kuba_PL

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - jamesbond007 - 29.03.2010

very nice gj

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - [03]Garsino - 29.03.2010

Looks fun, nice map

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - Zh3r0 - 29.03.2010

Hmm, the one with roads is the best, tough...he ones with ramps sucks, coz you didn't make it roundly smooth...

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - [MK]Soprano - 29.03.2010

Good :P

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - matthewdriftking - 29.03.2010

simple map. but nice

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - [MWR]Blood - 30.03.2010


Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - XRVX - 30.03.2010

thanks all

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - Johny_Rocker - 30.03.2010

Its a perfect for Stunt Servers

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - ColdXX - 30.03.2010

Cool map...but can u tell me the name of the object in the 2nd picture....which u used to create the ramp?? i know the ID but could u tell me the Name?
btw did i tell u that the map is cool?

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - XRVX - 30.03.2010

id is 17310
the name is something with arch in it
i dont know the full name

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - Chilliad - 19.04.2010

Nice =D
but i think you should add some vehicles, or can you add that yourself?

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - russo666 - 20.04.2010

Oh god i don't believe that i found it! I have seen this or something similiar to that in a stunt server and i simply loved it! THANKS!

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - XRVX - 20.04.2010

thanks =)

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - park4bmx - 22.04.2010

nice like them all il use Thank You

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 22.04.2010

I'll be using this in my server for sure

BTW the 1st and 2nd one looks cleaner or nicer than the 3rd one
and I'm using the 1st one

Re: [MAP] Superjump 3 versions by XRVX - [MSc]SysRq - 04.05.2010

Awsome for fly .