help with house system -
oObig_manOo - 26.03.2010
Property System
+Example Filterscript
What is it:
With this filterscript you can add properties to your server very easy
You only need 1 line for 1 property.
You can buy and sell properties, every (default) 60 seconds you will receive an amount of money.
If you want to add houses, including interiors, renting and house-cars.
I recommend you to download Simple House System by Antironix
This Include is not very complex, it's just a simple way to invest and earn money Smiley
I made this Include because many people asked if i could make a property-system, so here it is! Cheesy
Update History:
[V 1.0]
* First Release
[V 1.5]
* Removed 'propertyID' param in the AddProperty-function
* AddProperty returns now it's new ID, so now you can now define properties. (for example:
new Hotel;
Hotel = AddProperty("Royal Hotel", 3.2, 523.1, 900.0, 4000, 321, 51);
* Added GetPropertyInfo(propertyID, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z, &Price, &SellValue, &Earning);
* Added GetPropertyName(propertyID);
* Added GetPropertyOwner(propertyID);
* Added GetPropertyStatus(propertyID);
* Added ToggleProperty(propertyID, toggle);
[V 1.6] March 31th 2008/size]
* Added DestroyAllPropertyPickups();
* Added UsePropertyTextDraw(toggle);
* Added Fixed some bugs
[V 1.6.8] (April 2nd 200
* Added SetPropertyPrice(propertyID, price);
* Added SetPropertySellValue(propertyID, value);
* Added SetPropertyEarning(propertyID, earning);
* Added DoesPropertyExists(propertyID);
* Added IsPlayerNearProperty(playerid);
* Added SaveProperty(propertyID, const comment[]);
* Fixed bug where pickup of first property didn't work
* Fixed bug where playerid '0' saw all properties instead of only his/hers own when doing /myproperties
* Released Example Filterscript
Please read this manual very carefully!
How to instal:
- Download and copy that file into your pawno/includes folder
- Add on top of you Gamemode:
#include <properties>
- To add a property, add this at OnGameModeInit (or OnfilterscriptInit() if you're going to use it as a filterscript):
AddProperty("Name", Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Price, SellValue, Earning);
* Name: This will be the name of the new property
* Float:X: This will be the X-coordinate of the property
* Float:Y: This will be the Y-coordinate of the property
* Float:Z: This will be the Z-coordinate of the property
* Value: Players will have to pay this amount to buy this property
* SellValueL Player will receive this amount of money when he/she sells this property
* Earning:The owner of this property will receive every 60 seconds (default) this amount of money
- Place at your OnPlayerDisconnect- or OnPlayerConnect-callback this line:
- Place at your OnPlayerPickupPickup-callback this line:
OnPropertyPickupPickup(playerid, pickupid);
- Now you have to make 2 commands: /buyproperty and /sellproperty
Therefor you need this:
if (strcmp("/buyproperty", cmdtext, true) == 0)
return 1;
if (strcmp("/sellproperty", cmdtext, true) == 0)
return 1;
Ofcourse you have to place these 2 commands in your OnPlayerCommandText-callback.
The BuyPropertyForPlayer-function will already check if the player is near a checkpoint, if he/she has enough money, if he/she doesn't exeed the max-properties-per-player-limit and if the property is not owned yet by someone else or the player him/herself.
To set limit of properties every player can own, use:
To change the default payout-frequency, use:
If you want to see a textdraw showing some info about the property if you pickup its icon, use:
If you fill in '0' a GameText will apear instead of a textdraw.
(See screenshots below)
Other Functions:
You can locate a property if you use the function:
LocatePropertyForPlayer(property, playerid);
This will create a checkpoint on the place of the property.
You can disable the checkpoint with the function DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid);
To view the properties you own + some info.
You can use this function:
The function:
GetPropertyInfo(propertyID, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z, &Price, &SellValue, &Earning);
will return the coords, price, sellvalue and earning of that property
will return the name of that property
will, if owned return the name of the property-owner
If the property is not owned, it will return "nobody"
If the property is enabled, this function will return "enabled"
Else if the property is disabled, this function will return "disabled"
ToggleProperty(propertyID, toggle);
With this function you can enable or disable a property.
If a property is disabled you are not able to buy that property.
Note: If you disable a property, this green house-icon will not be removed!
Use this at OnGameModeExit or OnFilterScriptExit, this will destroy all greenhouse icons for the properties.
SetPropertyPrice(propertyID, price);
Will set a new price of a property.
SetPropertySellValue(propertyID, value);
Will set a new value of a property.
SetPropertyEarning(propertyID, earning);
Will set a new earning of a property.
will return '1' when the property exists and '0' if it doesn't.
will return the ID of the property if the player is near (default max 3 coords) of a property.
it will retrurn '-1' the player is not near a property
SaveProperty(propertyID, const comment[]);
This function will save the property with the current price, value and earning + optional comment.
It will get saved in the file 'SavedProperties.txt' witch will get created in your scriptfiles-folder in this format:
AddProperty("Current Name", X, Y, Z, current Price, current Value, current Earning); // (optional comment)
You can use this function for example when you changed some info about a property.
After you saved a property, you only have copy/paste that new line into your filterscript or gamemode.
(Don't forget to delete the old line!!)
Example adding Properties:
public OnGameModeInit()
AddProperty("CJ's Home", 2495.2581, -1686.3400, 13.5139, 50000, 10000, 1000);
AddProperty("Royal Hotel", 327.7912, -1514.7765, 36.0391, 164000, 50000, 6500);
AddProperty("SexShop Las Venturas", 2088.5579, 2074.0867, 10.8203, 37500, 6000, 670);
return 1;
This is a little filterscript, including 1 command to create a new property.
How to instal:
- Download PropertyCreator.pwn
- Compile
- Run as filterscript
- Go ingame
- Login as rcon-admin
- Go to position where you want to have your new property located
- Use command: /AddProperty [Name] [Price] [SellValue] [Earning]
For example:
/AddProperty Hotel 40000 10000 750
Note: For the name: DO NOT USE SPACES!!. You can add them later!
- Now go to your scriptfiles-folder, there is a file called 'SavedProperties.txt'
- Copy the new lines into your Gamemode
- Compile and restart your gamemode, and properties are ready to get bought Cheesy
Download links for PropertyCreator:
- PropertyCreator.pwn (MediaFire)
- PropertyCreator.pwn (
Example Filterscript:
This filterscript is ready-to-use, it has some pre-made properties (6 houses in GroveStreet).
It also has example commands:
* /propertyhelp
* /buyproperty
* /sellproperty
* /myproperties
* /getpropertyID
* /locateproperty [ID]
* /disableCP
* /propertyinfo [ID]
* RconAdmin-commands:
* /SetPropertyPrice [ID] [Price]
* /SetPropertyValue [ID] [Value]
* /SetPropertyEarning [ID] [Earning]
* /disableproperty [ID]
* /enableproperty [ID]
* /saveproperty [optional comment]
Download links for Example Filterscript:
- Properties.pwn (MediaFire)
- Properties.pwn (
On the left you see a textdraw witch gets created when the player enters the green housepickup
If you decide to use GameText instead of Textdraw, it will look like this.
Btw: I already fixed the typo you can see in the chat. ("You received $1670 from you properties")
This image shows the menu you will see when you use the function GetPlayerProperties(playerid);
[Version 1.6.8] April 2nd
- (MediaFire)
- (MyFreeFileHosting)
[Version 1.6] (Fixed)
- (MediaFire)
- (MyFreeFileHosting)
[Version 1.5]
- (MediaFire
- (
[Version 1.0]
- (MediaFire)
- (SendSpace)
- (
when i tied AddProperty("Name", Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Price, SellValue, Earning);
in my gm and try complie
undefined symbol "X"
Re: help with house system -
Flake. - 26.03.2010
first before i even attempt to try to help do this
Re: help with house system -
Oxside - 26.03.2010
AddProperty("Name", Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Price, SellValue, Earning);
All the things must be replaced with your own info like the following:
AddProperty("House1", 2241.361,-1261.933,23.944432, 5000, 2500,100);
So the name of the house is: House1
Coordinate, where the house is located: 2241.361,-1261.933,23.944432
Price to buy is: 5000
When you sell it you get: 2500
And you get: 100 dollar per hour you are owning the house/property...
Re: help with house system -
oObig_manOo - 26.03.2010
Originally Posted by $Fl@Ke$
first before i even attempt to try to help do this
its my owm gm so never to past code for any one
Re: help with house system -
oObig_manOo - 26.03.2010
Originally Posted by Oxside
AddProperty("Name", Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Price, SellValue, Earning);
All the things must be replaced with your own info like the following:
AddProperty("House1", 2241.361,-1261.933,23.944432, 5000, 2500,100);
So the name of the house is: House1
Coordinate, where the house is located: 2241.361,-1261.933,23.944432
Price to buy is: 5000
When you sell it you get: 2500
And you get: 100 dollar per hour you are owning the house/property...
thanks man now i understand