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Vehicle MYSQL ID Problem - Printable Version

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Vehicle MYSQL ID Problem - Tom_Dedi - 24.03.2010

Hey Guys,

I have a problem with the IDs to save cars into MYSQL
with this art the server put in 4999 cars into the SQL Database
for(new count = 1; count < MAX_VEHICLES; count++)
			  Autos[count][vModel] = modelid;
				Autos[count][vEingepackt] = 0;
				Autos[count][vArt] = 0;
				Autos[count][vX] = isx;
			 	Autos[count][vY] = isy;
			 	Autos[count][vZ] = isz;
			 	Autos[count][vA] = 0;
			 	Autos[count][vFarbe1] = 0;
			 	Autos[count][vFarbe2] = 0;
			 	Autos[count][vVerkauf] = 0;
			 	Autos[count][vPreis] = 0;
			 	Autos[count][vKMStand] = 0;
		 		Autos[count][vRKMStand] = 0;
	  			strmid(Autos[count][vBesitzer], "Niemand", 0, strlen("Niemand"), 255);
	  			strmid(Autos[count][vSch1], "Niemand", 0, strlen("Niemand"), 255);
			  	strmid(Autos[count][vSch2], "Niemand", 0, strlen("Niemand"), 255);
			  	strmid(Autos[count][vSch3], "Niemand", 0, strlen("Niemand"), 255);
			  	Autos[count][vBeschlagnahmt] = 0;
			  	Autos[count][vBX] = isx;
			  	Autos[count][vBY] = isy;
				Autos[count][vBZ] = isz;
		  		Autos[count][vBA] = 0;
		  		Autos[count][vRespawn] = respawn;
	  			Autos[count][vZustand] = 1000.0;
	    		Autos[count][vMS] = 0;
				Autos[count][vTankMax] = 100;
		   	Autos[count][vBenzin] = 100;
		   	Autos[count][vVW] = vw;
		   	Autos[count][vMJ] = mj;
		   	Autos[count][vFC] = fc;
	//    		Autos[count][vTankMax] = LVehiclesTreibstoffMenge[modelid-400];
	//   		Autos[count][vBenzin] = LVehiclesTreibstoff[modelid-400];
				Autos[count][vTankDrin] = 100;

 				format (mystr,sizeof(mystr),"Model='%d'",Autos[count][vModel]);
				if (!InsertMySQL("autos",mystr)) {printf("Daten konnten nicht eingefьgt werden!");}

				VgasDrin[count] = Autos[count][vTankMax];
				VgasMax[count] = Autos[count][vTankMax];
				Meters[count] = 0;
				RMeters[count] = 0;
can anyone help me


Re: Vehicle MYSQL ID Problem - Tom_Dedi - 25.03.2010

noone can hrlp ?