Server Problem. "TIMEOUT" often - Printable Version
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Server Problem. "TIMEOUT" often -
andershh - 22.03.2010
After a while with playing everyone gets timeout without me. its usally happens when we are doin a duel or something, commands etc.
but i dont know how to fix it and it would be lovley if anyone knew it. THANKS
Re: Server Problem. "TIMEOUT" often -
[MWR]Blood - 22.03.2010
Originally Posted by andershh
After a while with playing everyone gets timeout without me. its usally happens when we are doin a duel or something, commands etc.
but i dont know how to fix it and it would be lovley if anyone knew it. THANKS 
It's your connection.
Re: Server Problem. "TIMEOUT" often -
andershh - 22.03.2010
Is there any possibilites to fix it?
Re: Server Problem. "TIMEOUT" often -
XRVX - 22.03.2010
your internet is not good enough to host a server
Re: Server Problem. "TIMEOUT" often -
andershh - 22.03.2010
Ive hosted a World Of Warcraft Server with over 20/30+ players online.. no crash or something. i got a D-link 624
Re: Server Problem. "TIMEOUT" often -
andershh - 22.03.2010
so i cant fix this problem?
Re: Server Problem. "TIMEOUT" often -
playbox12 - 22.03.2010
It can be alot of things, people can timeout, if your firewall is blocking. They can also timeout because their internet is blocking, if you have wireless internet i recommend going to cable, because wireless used to disconnect sometimes, if samp doesent get respond from the server, because it timed out for barely 1 2 seconds then, it timesout completely.