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I need help with JunkBuster! PLEASE! (EASY) - Printable Version

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I need help with JunkBuster! PLEASE! (EASY) - Olek95 - 19.03.2010

Admin system: LAdmin4v2
Game Mode: Los Santos Death Match (Its my script)

If an admin level 1 - 5 use /lspec , /giveweapon (ID) (Banned Weapon)
Then JunkBuster will ban this admin if he give the weapon to himself.

How can I do so Admins can use /lspec , Banned weapons and teleports and more.

I need

public IsPlayerAdminCall(playerid)
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
return 1;
return 0;

But I dont find IsPlayerAdminCall(playerid)

Please help me! Thank you!


Re: I need help with JunkBuster! - Calgon - 19.03.2010

Post within the JunkBuster topic.