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Police faction help - Printable Version

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Police faction help - Josh_Kerns - 18.03.2010

Hello everyone i need Police Faction Help. No commands are working for me at all. Then when i try to go on duty that won`t work either any help? Also when i try to get in a cop car it says i cant drive this car when i`m in the faction. Please respond and tell me what parts are you going to need and i`ll post them right here. Thanks for any help people

Re: Police faction help - Babul - 18.03.2010

the OnPlayerStateChange() would do i guess ^^
maybe you accidently checked for the wrong faction. try to get in as a civilian and tell us more then...

Re: Police faction help - XGh0stz - 18.03.2010

This sounds like a GF edit... You could try posting in the GF though for better results. I know they explain how to change a player to a certain faction, so search out that topic, read up, then probably just reset your account file & then follow thier instructions if nessicay

Not much more I can help out with

Re: Police faction help - andrewp - 18.03.2010


Can you post your script to add a person to a team, as well as your team only vehicles code.

Re: Police faction help - XGh0stz - 18.03.2010

A mis-understood post, so ignore this reply :P

Re: Police faction help - Josh_Kerns - 18.03.2010

Heres the script just please take a look at it and make sure i have what i need. Thanks for all the help