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[Map] [MAP]War Ship - Printable Version

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[MAP]War Ship - Zimon95 - 16.03.2010

Hi, this is my first map done with MTA map editor, I think it's usefull for TDM, enjoy!

Name: War Ship
Objects Count: 31
Location: Santa Maria Beach, Los Santos

Screenshot Gallery!

pawn Код:
CreateObject(9585, 2995.8522949219, -1934.8795166016, 5.7266044616699, 0, 0, 270.89562988281);
CreateObject(9586, 2995.7873535156, -1932.5634765625, 15.810810089111, 0, 0, 270.89562988281);
CreateObject(9584, 2994.80078125, -1860.3031005859, 22.206665039063, 0, 0, 270.439453125);
CreateObject(3620, 2997.5463867188, -2049.0480957031, 29.61791229248, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(17055, 2993.4428710938, -2020.3829345703, 17.434234619141, 0, 0, 2.25);
CreateObject(17055, 3001.4489746094, -2020.2764892578, 17.434234619141, 0, 0, 2.25);
CreateObject(7622, 2993.9611816406, -1931.1978759766, 21.084283828735, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(7025, 2999.9741210938, -1883.4860839844, 18.519840240479, 0, 359.5, 270.96997070313);
CreateObject(3932, 2989.8811035156, -1883.1209716797, 16.856737136841, 0, 0, 268.89562988281);
CreateObject(16770, 2998.9562988281, -2002.3575439453, 16.682619094849, 0, 0, 91.544403076172);
CreateObject(2985, 2992.94921875, -1999.0280761719, 15.092060089111, 0, 0, 90.795013427734);
CreateObject(2985, 3003.5620117188, -1999.1762695313, 15.092060089111, 0, 0, 90.791015625);
CreateObject(2060, 3001.9587402344, -1998.4782714844, 16.19871711731, 0, 0, 1.9849853515625);
CreateObject(2064, 2982.5639648438, -1960.0885009766, 15.721280097961, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2064, 3004.8581542969, -1959.3403320313, 15.721280097961, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3564, 3007.6076660156, -1964.7882080078, 16.721948623657, 0, 0, 342.13513183594);
CreateObject(3564, 2987.3549804688, -1979.7036132813, 17.046943664551, 47.390014648438, 1.4849853515625, 198.49420166016);
CreateObject(18257, 3009.7517089844, -1985.3663330078, 15.092060089111, 0, 0, 25.804992675781);
CreateObject(2184, 3000.7565917969, -1973.12109375, 15.092060089111, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(746, 2990.2399902344, -1980.8044433594, 15.144760131836, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(746, 2986.9543457031, -1981.6798095703, 15.169759750366, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2934, 3010.2551269531, -1998.3336181641, 16.543979644775, 0, 0, 90.340026855469);
CreateObject(2934, 2983.4606933594, -1998.4764404297, 16.543979644775, 0, 0, 90.335083007813);
CreateObject(12930, 2980.494140625, -1900.8225097656, 15.947311401367, 0, 0, 334.19494628906);
CreateObject(16601, 3008.6079101563, -1880.8598632813, 19.831130981445, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3932, 2997.4846191406, -2025.8132324219, 18.302049636841, 0, 0, 268.89038085938);
CreateObject(7096, 2996.5920410156, -1897.9442138672, 20.202339172363, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1437, 2987.990234375, -1916.2894287109, 23.092060089111, 340.14999389648, 1.9849853515625, 184.60504150391);
CreateObject(1467, 2994.1567382813, -1952.1363525391, 28.256645202637, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1467, 2996.8503417969, -1952.146484375, 28.256645202637, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1467, 2999.6726074219, -1952.0861816406, 28.256645202637, 0, 0, 179.40002441406);

Re: [MAP] War Ship - sobolanux - 16.03.2010

Well, for your first map, it`s cool. Keep up!

Re: [MAP] War Ship - SkyWinder - 16.03.2010

Nice for ur first map.

Re: [MAP] War Ship - Brian_Furios - 21.03.2010

8.25 over. xD

Re: [MAP] War Ship - Goobiiify - 21.03.2010

Very nice for your first map. Keep it up!

Re: [MAP] War Ship - Geso - 21.03.2010

Very nice, but one thing; you have placed it near Eastbeach, not Santa Maria But it's well done (y)

Re: [MAP] War Ship - [MWR]Blood - 21.03.2010

Good Map

Re: [MAP] War Ship - Zimon95 - 21.03.2010


Re: [MAP] War Ship - Hunter123 - 24.03.2010

How i make a map? I mean Whear i get cordinates from MTA?

Re: [MAP]War Ship - Samy_Romafia - 24.03.2010
