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Server is full - but it isin't - Printable Version

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Server is full - but it isin't - Wiav - 15.03.2010

Hi, my server is working fine but i have one litle problem. It seems server is having flood atack or something like that. My server have 200 slots (i can't do more becouse flooders will crash it). At day are playing about 110 people, and when someone trying connect whey see message: Server is full, connection is retrying. If player whait's 2-3 mins he will be connect. How i can fix this bug? What i should do for it?

Thanks for helping.

Re: Server is full - but it isin't - Woet - 15.03.2010

What OS are you running? Did you run some kind of packet sniffer? (tcpdump on Linux).

Re: Server is full - but it isin't - Wiav - 16.03.2010

Linux Debian 5, and i have tcpdump, did it is shit? How i can fix it ?

Re: Server is full - but it isin't - Woet - 16.03.2010

At the time the server is full, run tcpdump -n and look for the same IP spamming a lot of packets of the same size.
If you think you found him, confirm this by running tcpdump -n | grep "IP.HERE"
If you confirmed it's that IP addresses flooding the server with the same packet size, block him by running iptables -A INPUT -s IP_HERE -j DROP