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Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - Printable Version

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Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - Mikkel - 12.03.2010

Hello guys, as you can see in the title I need some help on getting people to respawn at hospital after death..
I've looked at OnPlayerDeath and tried to add SetPlayerPos etc. but nothing worked so far, I asked a lot of my friends but no one could help me, so what I'm doing now is asking here.

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
	new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	new string[256];
	//new dmessage[128];
	//new deathreason[20];
	new playercash;
	new victimteam;
	new Float:px,Float:py,Float:pz;
	new killerteam;

	victimteam = gTeam[playerid];
	killerteam = gTeam[killerid];
	gPlayerSpawned[playerid] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][pInvWeapon] = 0;
 	PlayerInfo[playerid][pInvAmmo] = 0;
	GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
	PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] = 255;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, px, py, pz);
	if(killerid != 255)
		if(GetPlayerState(killerid) == 2)
		  if(ProxDetectorS(20, killerid, playerid))
					if(PlayerInfo[killerid][pMember] == 1||PlayerInfo[killerid][pLeader] == 1||PlayerInfo[killerid][pMember] == 2||PlayerInfo[killerid][pLeader] ==2)
		  		  SendClientMessage(killerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "That was a drive-by kill. Don't abuse it.");
						return 1;
					SetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid)+1);
					return 1;
	if (PlayerInfo[killerid][pAdmin] < 1)
		if(reason == 38)
			new kstring[128];
			new kickname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(killerid, kickname, sizeof(kickname));
				format(string, 256, "[ADMIN] [%d]%s just killed a [%d]%s with minigun.",killerid,kickname,playerid,name);
				printf("%s", kstring);
		if(reason == 35)
			new kstring[128];
			new kickname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(killerid, kickname, sizeof(kickname));
				format(string, 256, "[ADMIN] [%d]%s just killed a player with a flamethrower and has been IP banned.",killerid,kickname);
				printf("%s", kstring);
		if(reason == 9)
			new kstring[128];
			new kickname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(killerid, kickname, sizeof(kickname));
				format(string, 256, "[ADMIN] [%d]%s just killed a player with a chainsaw and has been IP banned.",killerid,kickname);
				printf("%s", kstring);
		if(reason == 16)
			new kstring[128];
			new kickname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(killerid, kickname, sizeof(kickname));
				format(string, 256, "[ADMIN] [%d]%s just killed a player with grenades and has been IP banned.",killerid,kickname);
				printf("%s", kstring);
		if(reason == 18)
			new kstring[128];
			new kickname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(killerid, kickname, sizeof(kickname));
				format(string, 256, "[ADMIN] [%d]%s just killed a player with molotovs and has been IP banned.",killerid,kickname);
				printf("%s", kstring);
		if(reason == 28)
			new kstring[128];
			new kickname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(killerid, kickname, sizeof(kickname));
				format(string, 256, "[ADMIN] [%d]%s just killed a player with a Mac 10, Check him immediately.",killerid,kickname);
				printf("%s", kstring);
		if(reason == 32)
			new kstring[128];
			new kickname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(killerid, kickname, sizeof(kickname));
				format(string, 256, "[ADMIN] [%d]%s just killed a player with Tec 9's, Check him immediately.",killerid,kickname);
				printf("%s", kstring);
		if(reason == 36)
			new kstring[128];
			new kickname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(killerid, kickname, sizeof(kickname));
				format(string, 256, "[ADMIN] [%d]%s just killed a player with a Lock On Launcher and has been IP banned.",killerid,kickname);
				printf("%s", kstring);
	if (gPlayerCheckpointStatus[playerid] > 4 && gPlayerCheckpointStatus[playerid] < 11)
		gPlayerCheckpointStatus[playerid] = CHECKPOINT_NONE;
	new caller = Mobile[playerid];
	if(caller != 255)
		if(caller < 255)
			SendClientMessage(caller, COLOR_GRAD2, "  The line just went dead....");
			CellTime[caller] = 0;
			CellTime[playerid] = 0;
			Mobile[caller] = 255;
		Mobile[playerid] = 255;
		CellTime[playerid] = 0;
	if(PlayerPaintballing[playerid] != 0)
	  PlayerPaintballKills[killerid] ++;
	  if(PlayerPaintballKills[killerid] > PaintballWinnerKills)
	    new killer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	    PaintballWinner = killerid;
	    PaintballWinnerKills = PlayerPaintballKills[killerid];
	    GetPlayerName(killerid, killer, sizeof(killer));
	    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	        if(PlayerPaintballing[i] != 0)
	          format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s is in the lead with %d Kills.",killer,PaintballWinnerKills);
						SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
	  return 1;
	if(GettingCK[playerid] < 999)
	    if(OnCK[killerid] < 999)
	      new killer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	      new dier[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	      GetPlayerName(playerid, dier, sizeof(dier));
				GetPlayerName(killerid, killer, sizeof(killer));
	      format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s has performed a Character Kill on you, you aren't able to play with this Character anymore.",killer);
	      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, string);
	      format(string, sizeof(string), "** %s has Character Killed %s **",killer,dier);
	      BroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string);
	      PlayerInfo[playerid][pCK] = 1;
	      if(GettingCK[playerid] < 999) { GettingCK[playerid] = 999; }
	      else if(OnCK[playerid] < 999) { OnCK[playerid] = 999; }
	      if(GettingCK[killerid] < 999) { GettingCK[killerid] = 999; }
	      else if(OnCK[killerid] < 999) { OnCK[killerid] = 999; }
	      KickPlayer[playerid] = 1;
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHeadValue] > 0)
		  if(gTeam[killerid] == 10 || PlayerInfo[killerid][pLeader] == 8)
		    if(GoChase[killerid] == playerid)
		      //ConsumingMoney[killerid] = 1;
					new killer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
					GetPlayerName(killerid, killer, sizeof(killer));
					SafeGivePlayerMoney(killerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pHeadValue]);
					format(string,128,"<< Hitman %s has fulfilled the contract on %s and collected $%d >>",killer,name,PlayerInfo[playerid][pHeadValue]);
					SendFamilyMessage(8, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pHeadValue] = 0;
					GotHit[playerid] = 0;
					GetChased[playerid] = 999;
					GoChase[killerid] = 999;
	if(victimteam >= 4)
			//new killer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			//GetPlayerName(killerid, killer, sizeof(killer));
			new slice = 100; //$100
			playercash = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
			if(gTeam[killerid] != 2) { WantedPoints[killerid] += 2; } //+ 2 wanted points
			if(SafeTime[playerid] <= 0)
				if(gTeam[killerid] != gTeam[playerid])
					if(GetPlayerState(killerid) == 1)
						PlayerInfo[killerid][pKills] = PlayerInfo[killerid][pKills] + 2;
			/*if (strlen(deathreason) > 0)// patch
				if (((gTeam[killerid]) == 1) || ((gTeam[killerid]) == 3 && civnokill) || gTeam[killerid] == gTeam[playerid])//med kill criminal
					format(string, sizeof(string), ".: %s murdered %s. (%s) :.", killer, name, deathreason);
					format(string, sizeof(string), ".: %s murdered %s. (%s) for $%d :.", killer, name, deathreason, slice);

				if (((gTeam[killerid]) == 1) || ((gTeam[killerid]) == 3 && civnokill || gTeam[killerid] == gTeam[playerid]))
					format(string, sizeof(string), ".: %s murdered %s :.", killer, name);
					format(string, sizeof(string), ".: %s murdered %s for $%d :.", killer, name, slice);
			if (((gTeam[killerid]) == 1) || ((gTeam[killerid]) == 3 && civnokill) || (gTeam[killerid] == gTeam[playerid] && gTeam[playerid] != 4))
				slice = 0;
			if (((gTeam[killerid]) != 4) && ((gTeam[killerid]) == gTeam[playerid]))//no team kill
				slice = 0;
			if (playercash > 0)
				SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid, -slice);
				slice = slice+500;
			//SafeGivePlayerMoney(killerid, slice);
			//GameTextForPlayer(playerid, dmessage, 5000, 2);
			PlayerPlaySound(killerid, 1083, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			if (((gTeam[killerid]) == 3) && reason != 49)
				SetPlayerCriminal(killerid,255, "First Degree Murder");
			else if (((gTeam[killerid]) == 3) && reason == 49)
				SetPlayerCriminal(killerid,255, "Hit And Run");
	else if (victimteam == 2)
			//new killer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			//GetPlayerName(killerid, killer, sizeof(killer));
			// Cop kill
			if (gTeam[killerid] == 2)//cops kill cop
				//format(string,128,".: Officer %s murdered Officer %s (%s) and was sued for $%d :.",killer,name,deathreason,suecost);
				PlayerPlaySound(killerid, 1084, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				SafeGivePlayerMoney(killerid, -suecost);
				SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid, suecost+100);//+100pays hospital bill
				//format(string,128,".: %s murdered Officer %s (%s) :.",killer,name,deathreason);
			if (gTeam[killerid] >= 3)
			  WantedPoints[killerid] += 2; //+ 2 wanted points
				if(reason != 49)
					SetPlayerCriminal(killerid,255, "First Degree Murder");
				else if (reason == 49)
					SetPlayerCriminal(killerid,255, "Hit And Run");
			if(gTeam[killerid] >= 5 && SafeTime[playerid] <= 0)
				if(GetPlayerState(killerid) == 1)
					PlayerInfo[killerid][pKills] = PlayerInfo[killerid][pKills]+2;
			//BroadCast(COLOR_RED, string);
	else if (victimteam == 3)
			//new killer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			//GetPlayerName(killerid, killer, sizeof(killer));
			// Civ kill
			if ((gTeam[killerid]) == 2)//cops kill civ
			  if(WantedLevel[playerid] < 1)
					//format(string,128,".: Officer %s murdered %s (%s) and was sued for $%d :.",killer,name,deathreason,suecost);
					PlayerPlaySound(killerid, 1084, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
					SafeGivePlayerMoney(killerid, -suecost);
					SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid, suecost+10);//+100pays hospital bill
				//format(string,128,".: %s murdered %s (%s) :.",killer,name,deathreason);
				WantedPoints[killerid] += 2;
			if (((gTeam[killerid]) >= 3 || (gTeam[killerid]) == 1) && reason != 49)
				SetPlayerCriminal(killerid,255, "First Degree Murder");
			else if (((gTeam[killerid]) >= 3 || (gTeam[killerid]) == 1) && reason == 49)
				SetPlayerCriminal(killerid,255, "Hit And Run");
		  //BroadCast(COLOR_RED, string);
	else if (victimteam == 1)
			//new killer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			//GetPlayerName(killerid, killer, sizeof(killer));
			// Civ kill
			if ((gTeam[killerid]) == 2)//cops kill civ
				//format(string,128,".: Officer %s murdered Paramedic %s (%s) and was sued for $%d :.",killer,name,deathreason,suecost);
				PlayerPlaySound(killerid, 1084, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				SafeGivePlayerMoney(killerid, -suecost);
				SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid, suecost+10);//+100pays hospital bill
			else if ((gTeam[killerid]) == 1)//med kill civ
				//format(string,128,".: Paramedic %s murdered %s (%s) and was sued for $%d :.",killer,name,deathreason,suecost);
				PlayerPlaySound(killerid, 1084, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				SafeGivePlayerMoney(killerid, -suecost);
				SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid, suecost+10);//+100pays hospital bill
				//format(string,128,".: %s murdered %s (%s) :.",killer,name,deathreason);
			if (((gTeam[killerid]) == 4) && reason != 49)
				SetPlayerCriminal(killerid,255, "First Degree Murder");
			else if (((gTeam[killerid]) == 3) && reason == 49)
				SetPlayerCriminal(killerid,255, "Hit And Run");
		  //BroadCast(COLOR_RED, string);
	if (victimteam >= 3 && WantedPoints[playerid] > 0 && killerteam == 2)
	  SetPlayerFree(playerid,killerid, "Got Killed");
	if (BusrouteEast[playerid][0] != 0 || BusrouteWest[playerid][0] != 0)
		if (BusrouteEast[playerid][0] != 0) BusrouteEnd(playerid, BusrouteEast[playerid][1]);
		else if (BusrouteWest[playerid][0] != 0) BusrouteEnd(playerid, BusrouteWest[playerid][1]);
		else BusrouteEnd(playerid, 0);
	if(FarmerVar[playerid] != 0)
	  FarmerVar[playerid] = 0;
	if(DrugFarmerVar[playerid] != 0)
		DrugFarmerVar[playerid] = 0;
	if(SmugglerWork[playerid] != 0)
	  SmugglerWork[playerid] = 0;
	killerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
	return 1;

Re: Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - aircombat - 12.03.2010

try that topic : its a discussion about what u asking

Re: Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - kaisersouse - 12.03.2010

You need to put it in OnPlayerSpawn

Re: Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - Mikkel - 12.03.2010

Originally Posted by [AC
Etch ]
try that topic : its a discussion about what u asking
I looked at it, but some guy just fixed it for him and no one posted how they made it work.
Thank you anyway.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
You need to put it in OnPlayerSpawn
Well, what am I supposed to put at OnPlayerSpawn?

Re: Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - kaisersouse - 12.03.2010

Originally Posted by Mikkel
Well, what am I supposed to put at OnPlayerSpawn?
The code that respawns them back at the hospital? (SetPlayerPos etc)

Re: Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - Mikkel - 12.03.2010

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
Originally Posted by Mikkel
Well, what am I supposed to put at OnPlayerSpawn?
The code that respawns them back at the hospital? (SetPlayerPos etc)
If I add SetPlayerPos at OnPlayerSpawn they'll spawn at hospital? :S
I need them only to spawn at hospital when they die.

Re: Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - Calgon - 12.03.2010

What he means is, when they die set the variable and check it OnPlayerSpawn(), if the variable is equal to 1 or something, set their position to hospital, etc.

pawn Код:
new Hospitalized[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
Hospitalized[ playerid ] = 0; // Just so people don't login inside hospital because the variable doesn't unset on disconnect.
return 1;

public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
Hospitalized[ playerid ] = 1;
return 1;

public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
if( Hospitalized[ playerid ] == 1 )
// SetPlayerPos etc.
// Do whatever, they're not hospitalized.
return 1;

Re: Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - Mikkel - 12.03.2010

Originally Posted by FreddoX [BINMAN
What he means is, when they die set the variable and check it OnPlayerSpawn(), if the variable is equal to 1 or something, set their position to hospital, etc
Damn, I'm a newbie scripter and I really don't know what you're talking about lol.

Oh thanks, I'm gonna try that.

Re: Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - Calgon - 12.03.2010

Originally Posted by Mikkel
Originally Posted by FreddoX [BINMAN
What he means is, when they die set the variable and check it OnPlayerSpawn(), if the variable is equal to 1 or something, set their position to hospital, etc
Damn, I'm a newbie scripter and I really don't know what you're talking about lol.
Updated my post, look above.

Re: Help to make people respawn at hospital after death - Mikkel - 12.03.2010

Originally Posted by FreddoX [BINMAN
What he means is, when they die set the variable and check it OnPlayerSpawn(), if the variable is equal to 1 or something, set their position to hospital, etc.

pawn Код:
new Hospitalized[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
Hospitalized[ playerid ] = 0; // Just so people don't login inside hospital because the variable doesn't unset on disconnect.
return 1;

public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
Hospitalized[ playerid ] = 1;
return 1;

public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
if( Hospitalized[ playerid ] == 1 )
// SetPlayerPos etc.
// Do whatever, they're not hospitalized.
return 1;
Whenever I add the last code with SetPlayerPos and the 'Do whatever, they're not hospitalized.' I'm just adding GetPlayerIp because I thought like I had to get something to see if it then would make it work, so I did. But it still doesn't work, well I don't know if it does everytime I add the last part which is at OnPlayerSpawn, then when I'm compiling it says 'Pawno has stopped working' or something, I have no idea how to fix this, but if I delete the code, then it compiles with just 1 warning with an unreachable code.