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gate command problem - Printable Version

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gate command problem - bartje01 - 07.03.2010

Hey guys, When I use this everyone can just open the gate:

if (strcmp("/uaclose", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
	if(GetPlayerColor(playerid) == 0x2641FEAA || 0x33AA33AA)
	MoveObject(uagate1,2720.0859375,-2504.1650390625,14.159820556641, 2.0);
	MoveObject(uagate2,2720.17578125,-2405.34765625,14.135627746582, 2.0);
	else {
 	SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33AA33AA, "You are not part of the UA or LSP!");
	return 1;
What is wrong?

Re: gate command problem - lameguy - 07.03.2010

You should use gTeam

Re: gate command problem - bartje01 - 07.03.2010

Well, this has to work :O
I hate G team