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[HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - Printable Version

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[HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - sushihusi - 06.03.2010

I have created houses and i have problem with virtual worlds.
Here : writes that in sa-mp are these virtual worlds: 2,147,483,647. Only 4 virtual world?I don't understand it.

Re: [HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - xKeZx - 06.03.2010

Why dont you use interiors? xD

Re: [HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - Rzzr - 06.03.2010

Don't crosspost, you also put this in script request thread.
I answered this:

Haha no, it means there are over 2 billion virtual worlds, ranging from 1 to 2147483647
That should be enough :P

Re: [HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - sushihusi - 06.03.2010

But i used interiors,too.But only 4 virtual worlds?
And i tried from 0-4 it works but if i write 5 to virtual world of the house its crashes.

Re: [HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - Rzzr - 06.03.2010

Err... Show the code then, that's weird.
There isn't only 4 virtual worlds, there's over 2 billion virtual worlds as I said.

Re: [HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - xKeZx - 06.03.2010

so the problem is , in sa-mp scripting are only 4 virtual worlds?

Re: [HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - Rzzr - 06.03.2010

There's over 2 billion virtual worlds...

Re: [HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - xKeZx - 06.03.2010

Thats true.

Btw we spam.

Re: [HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - bajskorv123 - 06.03.2010

Originally Posted by sushihusi
But i used interiors,too.But only 4 virtual worlds?
And i tried from 0-4 it works but if i write 5 to virtual world of the house its crashes.
Show me your code

Re: [HELP]Problem with virtual worlds - sushihusi - 06.03.2010

But i dont know the problem.
These works:
But if i write this:
AddHouse(64,-2677.3176,803.4011,49.9766,235.508994,1189.169897, 1080.339966,700000,700000,3,256);
AddHouse(65,-2677.3176,803.4011,49.9766,235.508994,1189.169897, 1080.339966,700000,700000,3,5);
It doesnt work.