timer - Printable Version
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timer -
02manchestera - 06.03.2010
SetTimer("Event", 1000 * 60 * 30, true);
i got given this but not sure what each nunmber means
Re: timer -
Rzzr - 06.03.2010
Event = The function to execute
1000 * 60 * 30 = How long the timer will take before executing it in milliseconds
True = Will it repeat or not? True means it will and False means it won't
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Re: timer -
02manchestera - 06.03.2010
So why is there 3 numbers not one does first one mean how long between 2nd one how long the even is or something
Re: timer -
Rzzr - 06.03.2010
You mean this? 1000 * 60 * 30
It is a calculation ;p
1000 times 60 times 30 = 1800000 milliseconds
Re: timer -
02manchestera - 06.03.2010
oh kk thanks