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[FilterScript] [FS]Weapons Dialog - Printable Version

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[FS]Weapons Dialog - [MWR]Blood - 05.03.2010

Hello guys, I made a weapon dialog for ya.



Re: [FS]Weapons Dialog - Tyty - 05.03.2010

Nice, i'll try it.

Re: [FS]Weapons Dialog - UnHead - 05.03.2010


Re: [FS]Weapons Dialog - [nl]rockline[nl] - 05.03.2010

I try it

Re: [FS]Weapons Dialog - adsy - 05.03.2010

ive never figured out why everyone charges so much for their guns!

or even cars!!!

i mean how much do you give players for kills, rewards, jobs, starting cash ??

Re: [FS]Weapons Dialog - [MWR]Blood - 06.03.2010

Originally Posted by adsy
ive never figured out why everyone charges so much for their guns!

or even cars!!!

i mean how much do you give players for kills, rewards, jobs, starting cash ??
Well, you can add this:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
GivePlayerMoney(killerid, 100); // gives $100 to the killer
GivePlayerScore(killerid,1); // gives +1 score to the killer
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-100); //gives $-100 to the player who died
return 1;

Re: [FS]Weapons Dialog - XRVX - 06.03.2010

nice menu man
good work

Re: [FS]Weapons Dialog - vestaka - 06.03.2010

very good nice work

Re: [FS]Weapons Dialog - adsy - 07.03.2010

Originally Posted by ikarus
Originally Posted by adsy
ive never figured out why everyone charges so much for their guns!

or even cars!!!

i mean how much do you give players for kills, rewards, jobs, starting cash ??
Well, you can add this:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
GivePlayerMoney(killerid, 100); // gives $100 to the killer
GivePlayerScore(killerid,1); // gives +1 score to the killer
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-100); //gives $-100 to the player who died
return 1;

requote "How Much" not "How do i do it"

Re: [FS]Weapons Dialog - Devilxz97 - 14.05.2012

Originally Posted by [MWR]Blood
Посмотреть сообщение
Well, you can add this:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
GivePlayerMoney(killerid, 100); // gives $100 to the killer
GivePlayerScore(killerid,1); // gives +1 score to the killer
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-100); //gives $-100 to the player who died
return 1;
GivePlayerScore(killerid,1); // gives +1 score to the killer

FIXED : SetPlayerScore(killerid,1); // gives +1 score to the killer
= SetPlayerScore