Custom Ban Help - Printable Version
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Custom Ban Help -
CJ101 - 28.02.2010
Today i found out my ban system has a problem.
So im turning to this forum for help, i cant think of anyway to fix this.
I have a system where all bans are put into a file /scriptfiles/config/bans.txt
But if i go ingame and lookup a ban, it wont give me the right stuff..
Heres the format for the bans in the bans.txt file:
IRCCMD:lookupban(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[])
new tmp[25],Index;
tmp = strtok(params,Index);
new File:msg = fopen("/config/bans.txt",io_read);
new st[80],string[158];
if(!fexist("/config/bans.txt")) return IrcSay("* Sorry, cannot find the Bans file.");
while(fread(msg,st,sizeof st))
return IrcSay(st);
return 1;
Thanks to anybody that can help
Re: Custom Ban Help -
CJ101 - 01.03.2010
its been over 12 hrs
Re: Custom Ban Help -
CJ101 - 01.03.2010
Yes, i mean irc.
heres what happens when i try it:
!lookupban Test
[ADR]Loukiinho - 79.72.*.* - money hacker and ip changer
It shouldnt be showing that ban, it only should be showing the ban that contains the name 'Test'