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#include <c_vehicleinfo> ?? - Printable Version

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#include <c_vehicleinfo> ?? - _COTTA_ - 27.02.2010

Muito boa tarde

Estive a pesquiser em tudo o que й mundo e nao encontro este include para pwn, ja procurei no ******, aqui no forum e nada!
mas o que й certo й que eu vejo muita gente usando este include :S

Agradecia imenso que algum me pode-se dizer onde posso encontra-lo ou baixalo.


Re: #include <c_vehicleinfo> ?? - Joao Ziicka - 27.02.2010

ve se isso te ajuda

Re: #include <c_vehicleinfo> ?? - _COTTA_ - 27.02.2010

Originally Posted by Joao Ziicka
Obrigado amigo, pena link estar off do download mas vlw por responder e tentar ajudar

Re: #include <c_vehicleinfo> ?? - Joao Ziicka - 27.02.2010

na verdade eu sabia disso sу qe axo qe o texto qe o cara fez й a propria include й sу vc fazer um arquivo .ini e por isso.
 [ criticaL's Vehicle Info ]

 - Version    : 0.1
 - Author    : criticaL aka Robban
 - Date     : 30 April 2007

 - Function list :

  cAddStaticVehicle(modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:z_angle, color1, color2)
  cAddStaticVehicleEx(modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:z_angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay)
  cGetVehicleModelID(vehicleid, &modelid)
  cGetVehicleSpawnPos(vehicleid, &Float:spawn_x, &Float:spawn_y, &Float:spawn_z, &Float:z_angle)

 - Description  :

  With those simple functions you can get modelid out of a vehicleid which is not "possible" in the
  current version of SA-MP, and you can get spawn position of the vehicle aswell.

  It is very simple to use, just put a "c" infront of the regular AddStaticVehicle and

  NOTE: You will only be able to get information out of a vehicleid if you have used
     my functions, not the regular AddStaticVehicle and AddStaticVehicleEx!

     And if you use the regular functions, you will fuck the vehicleid order up, so
     only use cAddStaticVehicle and cAddStaticvehicleEx.


     Report any bugs to me, I didn't have much time to test it. Wink

 - Remember   : You haven't made this shit, so don't take any credits for it!