[FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Nekom - 27.02.2010
My name isn't Nekom (it's my cousins), but it's Peppe
I'm an italian scripter...
This is the first BasketBall filterscript posted...
Because I haven't much time to complete the script I post the beta, wich is only the Ball's dynamic (ball toss, shoot, pass, bounce ...).
The ball and the baskets are located in the zone Play de Seville, near the LS Stadium.
For respawn the ball near you type /palla
The keys of the game are:
- Arrows for move walking with the ball
- KEY_FIRE for pickup the ball, shoot it, steal it and pass it
- KEY_SPRINT for run with the ball
- KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK for stay with the ball
Sorry but the script is not optimized, i haven't much time for do it...
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Karlip - 27.02.2010
Looks nice for a first script.
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Correlli - 27.02.2010
Any video or a screen maybe so others can rate your work?
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Nekom - 27.02.2010
Originally Posted by Karlip
Looks nice for a first script.
It isn't my first script XD
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
MaykoX - 27.02.2010
Nice, but some pictures or videos will be nice. I downloaded and it's working for me. Not bad at all.
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
$$ Matej8700 $$ - 27.02.2010
cheaґa man you are the best
i hope it works because i love basketball or i kill you :P
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Nekom - 27.02.2010
Added Ball bounce when it fall
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
matko.basket - 27.02.2010
waaaaaaaaaaaw super

i like basket

super super super ..make you a version 2
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
[EnergY] - 28.02.2010
good job.
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Jason321 - 28.02.2010
This is a great script, I really like it

The only problem I have found is that you can't enter vehicles because it will just play one of the basketball animations.
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
[EnergY] - 28.02.2010
Put your check in 15-20 meters (perhaps meters) on the basketball ground
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
matko.basket - 28.02.2010
nekom make you a version 2
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
giuseppe_mazzei - 05.03.2010
peppe why u released it?
do u really think that someone completes it so u can work on the gamemode?XD
no-one will complete and post the filterscript i think....
but.... hoping never dies XD
see u
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Lejo - 05.03.2010
Nice, I'll check it out.
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Darkly_Face - 05.03.2010
I like it but u can plz translate it?
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Oxside - 05.03.2010
Looks really nice..
if he has less post it doesn;t say it his first script
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
matko.basket - 05.03.2010
pls give a oprimalized version

,, pls pls pls
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
[MWR]Blood - 05.03.2010
Not bad!
Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
Franjdea - 06.03.2010
Brilliant script

Re: [FS] BasketBall Script by Peppe -
matko.basket - 06.03.2010
yeah itś super script but i canґt enter the vehicle