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Counting with mysql queries - Printable Version

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Counting with mysql queries - actiwe - 26.02.2010

I made this to count how many houses i have, so i can make loop better.. First time the public works well, so it gives the right answer but if i run this public again it's answer is always zero..

public totalhouses()
	new query[64], Field[64];
	format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT count(hsqlid) FROM `houses`");

	mysql_fetch_field_row(Field, "count(hsqlid)");
	totalhouses = strval(Field);

	format(query, sizeof(query), "Houses = %d",totalhouses);
 	return totalhouses;

Whats wrong here ?

Re: Counting with mysql queries - WackoX - 26.02.2010

totalhouses = mysql_num_rows();

Re: Counting with mysql queries - actiwe - 26.02.2010

Yea, thanks WackoX . It helped me !