SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
MrXavier - 25.02.2010
I have been creating quality maps for SA-MP for over a year. I am very experienced in mapping and I will gladly create whatever you wish! Whether it be a DM area, or an RP building or such, I can create. Simply fill out the below form and your SA-MP map will be created!
-What you want (Building/Maze/etc)
-Where do you want it? (Location)
-Anything extra? (Extra notes)
Re: SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
Torran - 25.02.2010
-What you want (LVPD Gates, Opened and Closed)
-Where do you want it (LVPD)
-Anything extra?(No make sure you cover both entrances and open and closed gate)
Re: SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
Souvlaki - 25.02.2010
-What you want Prison Interior Simple with 4-5 cells
-Where do you want it? Itss an Interior I dont really care but LV will be good since I am gonna use LS and SF
-Anything extra? Maybe the cells will open with a command.
Re: SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
MrXavier - 25.02.2010
Originally Posted by Torran
-What you want (LVPD Gates, Opened and Closed)
-Where do you want it (LVPD)
-Anything extra?(No make sure you cover both entrances and open and closed gate)
Here you are,
Gates Closed:
CreateObject(968, 2238.2268066406, 2450.5107421875, 10.703064918518, 90.25, 0.5, 178.7099609375); //
CreateObject(976, 2333.0727539063, 2440.3474121094, 4.9986500740051, 0.000000, 0.000000, 59.820007324219); //
Gates Open:
CreateObject(968, 2238.2268066406, 2450.5107421875, 10.703064918518, 2.75, 0.5, 178.7099609375); //
CreateObject(976, 2333.0727539063, 2440.3474121094, 4.9986500740051, 0.000000, 0.000000, 59.820007324219); //
Re: SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
dice7 - 25.02.2010
-What you want (dm map)
-Where do you want it? (anywhere, but it should be in a remote area)
-Anything extra? (a small one, for 8 players max, possibly dessert themed)
Re: SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
aircombat - 25.02.2010
-What you want (Building/Maze/etc)
-Where do you want it? (Location)
-Anything extra? (Extra notes)
what i want is in an area i built (map) so do u have msn , xfire or skype??
Body Science
Re: SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
addinol - 25.02.2010
-What you want (Building/Maze/etc) : Gates and a passage for people without car.
-Where do you want it? (Location) Picture link below.
-Anything extra? (Extra notes) : Close / Open Cordinates or a command :]
Re: SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
MrXavier - 25.02.2010
I currently am overwhelmed with requests. Please wait until tomorrow (2/26/2010) to post any further requests.
Re: SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
aircombat - 25.02.2010
k plz just post or pm me ur email or xfire or skype
Porn hub
Re: SA-MP Mapper For Hire -
MrXavier - 25.02.2010
Originally Posted by Souvlaki
-What you want Prison Interior Simple with 4-5 cells
-Where do you want it? Itss an Interior I dont really care but LV will be good since I am gonna use LS and SF
-Anything extra? Maybe the cells will open with a command.
Here you go,
Jail Cells and Reception area:
CreateObject(14881, 2877.5068359375, 1073.2829589844, 12.848520278931, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(2930, 2875.9006347656, 1075.3951416016, 13.452257156372, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(2930, 2875.8972167969, 1077.1239013672, 13.452257156372, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(2930, 2875.9018554688, 1079.4020996094, 13.452257156372, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(2930, 2875.8933105469, 1081.1270751953, 13.452257156372, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(2909, 2881.1057128906, 1069.42578125, 12.129930496216, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(2184, 2875.6936035156, 1068.1899414063, 10.848520278931, 0.000000, 0.000000, 19.940002441406); //
CreateObject(1671, 2876.2282714844, 1069.8721923828, 11.308734893799, 0.000000, 0.000000, 18.394958496094); //
CreateObject(2197, 2876.2580566406, 1071.6862792969, 10.848520278931, 0.000000, 0.000000, 89.594787597656); //
CreateObject(2197, 2876.2373046875, 1072.587890625, 10.848520278931, 0.000000, 0.000000, 89.593505859375); //