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warning : pName - Printable Version

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warning : pName - vagosz - 24.02.2010


D:\gamemodes\cg.pwn(8209) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "pName"


Re: warning : pName - geerdinho8 - 24.02.2010

It's just an warning, alot of times you cant ignore it, but if you script begins to bug you need to look at it.

And we cant help you without the script.
So post line 8209.



Re: warning : pName - aircombat - 24.02.2010

search in ur script on pname , delete it and it will compile fine (problem is u wrote : new pname[etc..]; but u didnt use it) btw this warning is not harmfull at all and it will do nothing to ur server
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