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Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - Printable Version

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Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - Jake Winstonn - 21.02.2010



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CreateObject(1594, 614.50335693359, -549.31872558594, 22.557600021362, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
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CreateObject(2840, 618.27661132813, -549.44476318359, 23.035217285156, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
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CreateObject(1951, 618.46563720703, -549.54901123047, 23.223384857178, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1666, 611.43377685547, -550.01129150391, 22.622713088989, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
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CreateObject(1547, 618.33905029297, -549.50170898438, 23.035217285156, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1736, 611.09606933594, -583.65148925781, 19.995868682861, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //

Re: [MAP] Jake_Winstonn Role Play Maps Part 3 - wafffllesss - 21.02.2010

why ppl release maps in Gamemode area?

btw, good editing.

Re: [MAP] Jake_Winstonn Role Play Maps Part 3 - Jake Winstonn - 21.02.2010

I dont why Its the only topic were says
Gamemode Scripts
A place to release SA-MP gamemodes, maps, data files or programs.
Glad that you like my work

Re: [MAP] Jake_Winstonn Role Play Maps Part 3 - XX3 - 22.02.2010

The sheriff PD has the place renovated!
Good job Jake!

Re: [MAP] Jake_Winstonn Role Play Maps Part 3 - Jake Winstonn - 22.02.2010

thanks man

Re: [MAP] Jake_Winstonn Role Play Maps Part 3 - spider_bobi - 22.02.2010

thank you !
i have sheriff faction & is it right there ! :X
good job !

Re: [MAP] Jake_Winstonn Role Play Maps Part 3 - Jake Winstonn - 22.02.2010

will you use my map?
give me the IP man of your server

Re: Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - Steven82 - 28.10.2010

Good job man

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God damn it -_-, i wish this shit was removed!

Re: Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - Jake Winstonn - 28.10.2010

Lol this map is 4-5 mounth old lol
Thanks for rating tho <3

Re: Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - GangsTa_ - 04.05.2011

Nah I don't like it that much. Why there are tables on the sheriff's HQ roof?

Re: Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - justsomeguy - 04.05.2011

sorry but i dont like some things of this and i hate the things you made on the roof 5.4/10 sorry

Re: Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - Jake Winstonn - 05.05.2011

I don't like it eather,I made this "thing" two years ago or something.

Re: Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - justsomeguy - 06.05.2011

First map? then i understand if you look at vip hotel you'll see some stupid things to that was my first map too

Re: Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - [SFA]SpiRRiT - 06.05.2011

Nice renovating indeed.. Well done!

Originally Posted by justsomeguy
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First map? then i understand if you look at vip hotel you'll see some stupid things to that was my first map too
Lol, my first map was an admin mansion, it looks sooooo nice for my first map too.. I didn't edit a place, but I made a whole new area near a cliff, I'll release it someday It's awesome xD
But that's not what this thread is about so, I'll stop talking about it, (just felt like saying it)

Nice day you all!

Re: Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - Jake Winstonn - 07.05.2011

This is my like 2nd mapping I think,my first one was SF garage,need to update with my maps.

Re: Jake_Winstonn's Sheriff Department - Institute - 07.05.2011

Well, It's better then the original!