server crashing with low players -
[SF]RobMob - 21.02.2010
I am having a problem were when theres 25 or more players on my server uses 3%cpu and no memory but for some reason when theres 10-20 players online CPU Usage: 22.1 % Memory usage:28.33mb Space in use:48 mb and my server crashes any ideas .... the only thing on onplayerupdate is this could it be the problem ..?
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) == 999999999)
new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "[AntiCheat]: %s has been kicked for MAX MONEY.", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll(orange, string);
new Float:health;
if(health > 101)
if(level[playerid] == 0)
new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "[AntiCheat]: %s has been kicked for Health Hacks.", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll(orange, string);
return 1;
Re: server crashing with low players -
[SF]RobMob - 22.02.2010
if it helps i just stoped my server and waited 5 min and the started and check with no players just there server ??
CPU Usage: 4 %
Memory usage: 28.33 mb
Re: server crashing with low players -
[SF]RobMob - 22.02.2010
Re: server crashing with low players -
Onyx09 - 22.02.2010
maybe the Gm has bugs?
Re: server crashing with low players -
[SF]RobMob - 23.02.2010
no its not a game mode issue i tested everything lastnight in and out of my gm what seems to be the problem is MidoStream Now me server used to run with 25 players on mo memory and 3%cpu now with 0 players on no one at all this is my readins
CPU Usage: 9.7 %
Memory usage: 28.33 mb
Space in use: 48 mb
What i come to figure out if i dont load Midostream and my objects my cpu and memory is fine this just started happening i have not changed a thing any ideas on to how to fix thins i have about 5000 objects
Re: server crashing with low players -
bajskorv123 - 23.02.2010
Dont use onplayerupdate, use a timer.
pawn Код:
SetTimer("Check", 1000, true);
//Somewhere in script
forward Check(playerid);
public Check(playerid)
//Max Money
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) == 999999999)
new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "[AntiCheat]: %s has been kicked for MAX MONEY.", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll(orange, string);
//Health Hacks
new Float:health;
if(health > 101)
if(level[playerid] == 0)
new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "[AntiCheat]: %s has been kicked for Health Hacks.", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll(orange, string);
return 1;
EDIT: Sorry didnt read above but you should use this instead onplayerupdate because it gets called like 20-30 times per second. (500 - 750 times per second if you have 25 players)