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[HELP] Team textdraw... - Printable Version

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[HELP] Team textdraw... - Fedee! - 20.02.2010

Im making a TDM like Rivershell, if you take a car to a specific checkpoint, it will give the team +1 score... but I don't know how to do it.

I want it to be right here:
- - - - - - - -
l chat time l
l l
l l
l l
l map HERE l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Re: [HELP] Team textdraw... - aircombat - 20.02.2010


Edit : use Seif's Area :
Glass weed pipe

Re: [HELP] Team textdraw... - Fedee! - 20.02.2010

Originally Posted by [AC
Etch ]

Edit : use Seif's Area :
You dind't even read..

Re: [HELP] Team textdraw... - RyDeR` - 20.02.2010

If you have a 'SetPlayerCheckpoint' you can use 'if(IsPlayerInCheckpoint(playerid))' to add +1 score then.

Re: [HELP] Team textdraw... - Fedee! - 20.02.2010

Originally Posted by » RyDeR «
If you have a 'SetPlayerCheckpoint' you can use 'if(IsPlayerInCheckpoint(playerid))' to add +1 score then.
Yea.. I have it.. but +1 score to the player?

More easily, is there something like "SetTeamScore" ?

Re: [HELP] Team textdraw... - Rzzr - 20.02.2010

Try using Zamaroht's textdraw editor and then Textdrawsetstring to edit the text.