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Checkpoints... - MummyKillerSLO - 20.02.2010


Is there any way to make checkpoints (cylinder) float?

Re: Checkpoints... - dice7 - 20.02.2010

only SetPlayerCheckpoint and SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint

Re: Checkpoints... - LuxurioN™ - 20.02.2010

See 'checkpoint' search results in SA-MP WIKI. And, read tutorials of SetPlayerCheckpoint!

Re: Checkpoints... - MummyKillerSLO - 20.02.2010

Thanks, but can they be on air?

Re: Checkpoints... - VonLeeuwen - 20.02.2010

Increase Z-coordinates to make it higher.

Re: Checkpoints... - MummyKillerSLO - 20.02.2010

If I increase Z coordinate of checkpoint, the 'cylinder' will stay on ground, just the 'trigger' will more up...
Is there any way to put cylinder on air (floating)?

Re: Checkpoints... - Born2die - 20.02.2010

Originally Posted by MummyKillerSLO
If I increase Z coordinate of checkpoint, the 'cylinder' will stay on ground, just the 'trigger' will more up...
Is there any way to put cylinder on air (floating)?
No, checkpoints can't float.

Re: Checkpoints... - MummyKillerSLO - 20.02.2010

OK, Thanks.

EDIT: Erm... Can they be on streamed objects?

Re: Checkpoints... - Fedee! - 20.02.2010

Originally Posted by MummyKillerSLO
OK, Thanks.

EDIT: Erm... Can they be on streamed objects?
Maybe you can use the circles ones..